Whispers of Nemesis

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Hello everyone! I can't believe we're already this far into 2023. A lot's been happening in the world of One Piece, and I'm over the moon excited! I've mentioned that there are some other projects in the mix and soon you'll be able to follow me up on them.

Remember to check out my tumblr for any new updates or if you're interested in commissions.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

The weight of the news settled heavily on Izuku's shoulders as the words reverberated in his mind.

"Overhaul's daughter has been kidnapped."

It was a startling revelation, one that sent ripples of unease through his already fragile resolve.

Having recently faced the yakuza leader, Izuku had been hesitant to return to Nighteye's agency. The stern rebuke from his mentor, Mirai Sasasaki, also known as Sir Nighteye, still echoed in his ears. The admonition to temper his emotions and act with caution had struck a nerve. It was a reminder that he didn't possess the freedom to act impulsively, to save anyone he pleased. To behave as if he was the Symbol of Peace. The reminder had stung deeply, exacerbating the doubts that had lingered within him since he first met Nighteye. The former sidekick of All Might had never believed Izuku to be worthy of the great power of One For All, and Izuku had been determined to prove him wrong.

Now, as he stood in the agency's headquarters, Izuku wrestled with his swirling emotions, struggling to suppress the rising tide of anxiety. The news of the kidnapping only added fuel to the turmoil within him, creating a hollow pit in his stomach that threatened to consume him. He fought back a surge of bile, trying to steady himself.

"What... what do you mean, his daughter was kidnapped, sir?" Izuku managed to stammer, his voice betraying his inner turmoil.

Sir Nighteye adjusted his glasses, his expression as stoic as ever. He proceeded to explain what the agency had gathered from their surveillance of the Hassakai. "According to our sources, Overhaul's daughter has gone missing. Reports indicate that she was taken by an underground fighter known as Nemesis."

Mirio's eyes narrowed, his concern etching lines on his face. "Who is Nemesis?"

Nighteye's subordinate, Bubblegirl, interjected, shedding light on the enigmatic figure. "Nemesis is a relatively new presence in the underground fight clubs, but we know that he has a reputation for never losing a fight. Other than that there is very little information about him. He keeps his identity concealed, we don't even know what his face looks like."

A heavy lump formed in Izuku's throat as he absorbed the details. Eri, Overhaul's daughter, was out there, alone and vulnerable, in the clutches of a mysterious stranger. Fear gripped his heart, making it difficult to breathe.

"But why would Nemesis take her?" Mirio questioned, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Nighteye's tone held a hint of uncertainty as he responded, "We're still not entirely certain. It's possible that Overhaul intended to recruit Nemesis, but something went wrong. Our agents speculate that Nemesis took the child as a result. Overhaul has been redirecting his members to search the underground fight clubs, to locate him."

Bubblegirl chimed in, providing further insight. "There's even a bounty on Nemesis's head, but no sightings have been reported since. He has effectively vanished from public view."

Izuku's mind raced, connecting the dots in his desperate attempt to make sense of the situation. Considering Kai's affiliation with the yakuza, it made sense that he wouldn't turn to the police and file a report. After all, he had yet to face any convictions that could jeopardize his criminal activities. Unless there was a risk of drawing unwanted attention and triggering an investigation. Doubts crept into Izuku's thoughts. Could Kai be up to something more sinister?

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