Test of Courage

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Here I am once again! Thank you everyone for your support and love, I appreciate it. I've been feeling a bit better lately. There's been a lot of activity happening with all my projects that I hope I can share with everyone. But for now, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Dinner was a grand fail again, but no one complained that the meat was either overdone or underdone or that some servings had too much salt, or that the veggies were cooked to the point of mush. Everyone just gratefully gobbled everything down.

Sakura and Izuku were chatting heartily, with Izuku trying to gain as much information as he could from his training partner.

"I don't know how I can get my body to move as well as yours, even with my full cowling," Izuku muttered, knocking his food around on his plate before scooping it into his mouth.

"It's not my quirk that makes my body flexible, it's from training. I can show you some exercises to do to improve your flexibility. I know you mostly focus on strength training,"

Izuku belched, "How'd you know that?"

"You were muttering throughout training," Izuku didn't notice when he spoke out loud sometimes, it was another result of his observational habits. Sakura warned him that if he went breaking down his opponent right in front of them, he would give away that he was figuring them out. "It's good to observe, but not always to share those observations,"

"R-Right! So about flexibility,"

"Tomorrow, try focusing more on your kicks that's the only way you're going to improve. If you combine your full cowling with your punches and kicks, you'll take your fighting to a whole new level. But you're going to have to learn to use it as a unit and not separate attributes,"

"I also want to learn that counter flip!" Izuku gushed, remembering how Hitoshi had used it to get him on the ground.

"Ah, that one, sure," Izuku beamed. Sakura had a lot of great advice when it came to his fighting style and his quirk, even though she didn't know the truth behind it. She was able to break apart its features to help Izuku improve in his training. All Might trained him in strength and Gran Torino helped him expand on his ability to use One for All. But Sakura was able to go much more in-depth with him in such a short period.

He hoped to get more help from her in the future.




There was a brief reprieve after to digest and bath before both class A and B were called outside again.

Sakura and Izuku had missed the first announcement, but their teachers had planned for them to continue their activities. Pitting the two classes against one another, in a test of courage.

By the time everyone was outside, the son was gone. Everyone was brimming with excitement to be able to do something remotely related to camping.

Shouta didn't stay around long, nor did class B's homeroom teacher as there were still six students that had to take extra classes after training and would have to miss the event. Though it wasn't without putting up a fight, Shouta lead them away using his scarf as a leash.

For this test of courage, there were going to be two rounds. First Class B would go into the woods to wait on the route while class A in teams would go through. Class B would have to attempt to scare them.

"When you make it to the middle of the route, they'll be a card with your name written on it, take it back as proof. The group scaring people isn't allowed direct contact but you can use your quirks,"

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