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Hello my wonderful readers. I know I'm a day late but the power has been going on and off at home making it impossible to update without interruption. I hope to get to my other stories too and have another update soon but I've been getting sick a lot more often than I prefer (which is never).

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Fighting alongside Izuku had made Katsuki more distorted than the idea of fighting the number one hero. When the exams started, he was fuming and could barely hold his sanity never mind his combat faculties, including his sharp intellect and power. This was what happened when he had to face Izuku for their first training exercise. The logic was irrelevant when it came to Izuku.

He wasn't willing to pause when Izuku attempted to strategize with him. The notion was like constant flicks against his skin, painless but irritable and slowly fueling his fury. Katsuki was becoming convinced that the universe was against him. After junior high, he had been almost hopeful that Izuku would be out of his life from that point. The quirkless wannabe hero would fall to reality and Katsuki could continue to sore without him in sight.

Now things had just gotten worse, having to cope not only with Izuku's presence but surrounded by so many that were ahead of him. Shouto Todoroki had been his first prime example, after he saw Shouto's display of power along with losing the training exercise to Izuku's team he nearly buckled then and there.

Things only became worse when Sakura Haruno came into the picture and exceeded everyone in their class. Including him. Katsuki was observant, more than his classmates were of the girl and he eventually saw that she did not show her real strength. Or at least that's something she finally allowed them to see about her.

Even he couldn't believe the raw power she possessed and as if that wasn't enough she had healing and now has revealed even more abilities.

And she had to show it off on the day he needed to have complete focus on this practical. There was no way she was honest about her quirk. What pissed him off was that every time he thought he was getting closer to the goal, she proved to be another lap ahead.

The state all of this put him in did not bode well for his exam, but he was determined to fight against all odds, even if one of those odds was the number one hero.

He was determined to surpass Izuku and Sakura, but now he would be graded with his childhood friend of all people. If it was a way to expose their weakness, Katsuki would say (never out loud) that they had done a good job.

When the exams began, he charged forward to face Toshinori. He wanted to win without Izuku, or he refused to win at all. Either way, Katsuki was willing to wreck his body if it meant he could come out on top by himself. But even that wasn't enough, when he faced the strength of the hero he admired since a child, Katsuki already knew he wouldn't be able to defeat him in his current condition.

All Might had years on him, and strength he couldn't hope to reach, but with his quirk, Katsuki had been given confidence that he would always be able to reach his goals. Those beliefs and confidence built from years of vain compliments and his unusual talent of becoming good at everything he does were being shattered by barely a handful of classmates. Izuku, who he loathed. Shouto that overpowered him in firepower. And Sakura stood on top of everyone without breaking a sweat.

When Katsuki observed his classmates he could tell what they were lacking, their weaknesses easy to spot. But Sakura; as far as he could see she lacked in nothing. That was infuriating.

Before high school, Katsuki had encountered that sludge villain, and he almost lost his life. Yet Izuku, quirkless at the time rushed in to save him until All Might showed up to do the job. Katsuki was praised for his efforts and quirk, and the incident had stuck with him but he didn't see it as a positive. Then he learns about a girl who also encountered a villain and took him down. It had to be her.

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