Greater Evil-Brighter Light

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Hello everyone! It's almost the end of the 2022, this will be the last chapter of the year before 2023. Things have become a little harder at home, and it's going to be more hectic for my schedule but I'll do my best to make it work. I hope you enjoy your new years coming and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

As All Might, Toshinori had seen too much as a hero, and yet at this moment, he believed he hasn't seen enough. Though his weakened form was revealed to the world, he could still hear the cries of those around him, begging him to be their hero, and even if it meant his life, he was ready to face down All For One again.

Those thoughts were lost in the fog as a new light came before him.

He could feel the winds caressing wildly in a coordinated pattern, kicking up some debris as it grew more aggressive with each passing second. Lights like smoke that seemed it could vanish with a whisper had gathered under this wind, swirling to the center of its storm. Through the dust that had been kicked up, they could see something treacherous peaking through. There was a glow that seemed dim with no true solid form.

A creature created from it, Toshinori didn't know if it was an animal or monster that loomed over them. He heard a growl that shook him and he was almost ready to turn away from his enemy to this, determining it may be a new threat.

The other heroes as well as All For One had turned their attention away as well. They were now trying to see what was lurking among them. Without wondering how it could've slipped past them.

Then the dust began to clear, and they could see it, like a phantom without a solid shape, constantly shifting in its appearance, if Toshinori didn't know better he would think it was indecisive in what it was trying to become, shifting between a beast with many tails trying to bare its fangs and then a humanoid with horns gaping as if ready to swallow them all, the changes almost too sudden to truly track.

Then that light expanded forward, hiding a silhouette at the core that no one previously noticed. Toshinori tried not to cover his face as he was hit with the debris, he could feel the air heated and it was as if nothing but raw power was passing through, an energy he hasn't felt before.

All For One who could see nothing had clarity that this was a looming danger. Yet when those wisps of unidentified light brushed through him he felt a familiar sense of dread.

'It can't be!'

The light began to fall, compress but not dim, only becoming bright as it surrounded something, wrapping it like a coat, the light shifting as if it were the northern lights, pulsing black, and red.

Finally, the light began to clear to give an image, and what they saw no one could distinguish to call it a miracle or abomination. Sakura stood, with a hole gaping, shrouded in this cloak of suffocating aura, pulsing lines that looked like ink ran across her entire body from her forehead across her shoulder,s arms, chest, and further.

Her eyes seemed glazed, like a murky window unable to distinguish the sight on the other side.

"Sakura....." Toshinori choked out her name, his eyes trembling, knees buckling. He couldn't turn away from awe and horror as the gaping hole in her chest began to fill, he watched a gray material fabricate itself and mold with her flesh like clay until it forged into a beating heart that became covered again with bone that was lost to her ribcage, veins, blood and flesh filling the space and finally concealed by a distorted layer of what seemed to be skin.

She looked at her hand as if she was holding something.

The other heroes were looking on in shock, Gran Torino, who had seen Sakura in her state before couldn't turn away, despite that they were still in the middle of a battle. He had seen her laying there in a pool of blood, with her heart shattered into bits of flesh. Yet somehow she was able to rise again.

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