SPIN OFF CHAPTER:Movie Two heroes part 3

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Greetings and happy holidays to all! I come with well wishes and new chapters to bring joy to 2023 and take you into 2024. Hope you enjoy!

Lately, Izuku's life has been a rollercoaster of surprises. The hero he admired from his years as a child All Might, had been losing his power and was searching for a successor to pass his qurik to until he met Izuku. That led to a series of events that unraveled more secrets and hidden truths about the hero world that Izuku thought was possible. Then came the acceptance into U.A., the top school for heroes in Japan.

However, the surprises didn't cease when he was invited to go with Toshinori to I-island. Toshinori's old friend David Shield, a renowned scientist, was the primary reason for their visit, though it had been orchestrated as a surprise by David's daughter, Mellissa. She was the first to greet Izuku and Toshinori upon their arrival.

After they met with David, Mellissa took Izuku on a tour of the island, and it was there that the surprises continued. As they wandered through the island's attractions, Izuku bumped into familiar faces: Ochako, Momo, and Jiro, his classmates from U.A. High. It was a delightful shock to see them in this unexpected place.

As they all gathered at a restaurant, Denki and Minoru joined the group, and Izuku's surprise deepened. However, the biggest shock of all was seeing Sakura, his class representative, and Hitoshi Shinso, a student from the General Studies department, sitting together.

"I can't believe there are so many of us here," Ochako remarked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Neither can I,"

Sakura, her gaze fixed on her drink, stirred it pensively. They had all moved tables close to each other so they could engage in conversation together.

Izuku smiled at Hitoshi, trying to engage him, "Shinso, how do you like the island? Did you go to the exhibits?"

Hitoshi nodded, keeping his calm demeanour "Yeah, we saw a few,"

Sakura raised an eyebrow at Hitoshi, he had turned a bit stoney when her classmates arrived, and admittedly she had as well. They were genuinely good individuals, but they were in such contrast with the people Sakura was used to being around. She didn't realize just how different until she spent more time with her class.

Her standard and perspective of normal was shifted and her classmates were thorough reminders of this different world she was in. Another version of earth. At times it made things difficult for her.

Hitoshi was a bit different in that standing. He didn't constantly remind Sakura that she was in another world, even though his ambitions correlated with her classmates.

Denki, ever curious, glanced between Sakura and Hitoshi, a hint of skepticism in his expression. "Since when were you guys friends?"

Sakura shot him a stern look, a clear message that it was none of his business. Ochako chimed in, "I've seen them sitting together a few times in the cafeteria."

"So have I," added Momo, supporting Ochako's observation.

Before the conversation could delve any further, another classmate, Tenya Iida, sped over to join them. Izuku was the first to greet him with enthusiasm. "Iida, you're here too!?"

Iida nodded a serious tone in his voice. "Indeed, I'm here representing my family."

Momo added, "My family are also a sponsor of the event."

Sakura sighed, casting an apologetic look at Hitoshi. She hoped he understood that she had no prior knowledge that her classmates would be there.

Just when everything seemed to be settling into a pleasant reunion, an explosion rocked the island in the distance. The unexpected sound shattered the air, filling it with tension and uncertainty.

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