Let the Training Begin!

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And we're back everyone! I want to say thanks for staying with me this far, I'm grateful to each and every one of you. I hope that you continue to enjoy these chapters!

She was jealous. In a way, Sakura couldn't help but envy the simplistic methods her classmates and other students could do just to increase the strength in their quirks. Break it apart and let it strengthen. The training camp wasn't going to be that long either but was considered enough time to change its students, even if it was through drastic physical limits. All they had to do was push their quirks, and hold their bodies together, enduring and results would be reaped.

It wasn't the same for her. Physical training was only part of what made a shinobi's growth. There were limits further than their bodies that had to fight, otherwise, no one would stop training. Chakra was limited, and you had to factor in the level of control to determine the period of training and degree of growth.

Sakura could push herself beyond her physical limits, but if her chakra wouldn't allow it then there was no getting through that gate. It would probably take months for her to achieve the same amount of growth that someone with a quirk might achieve. When she started medical training, she had spent three months trying to master the basics, and with her chakra control that was considered quite a feat.

When Kakashi trained them in tree climbing, Sakura had gotten the execution down the easiest, but in terms of stamina, she fell far behind Sasuke and Naruto.

She had put years into training to be a ninja, no matter how lacking she was in the beginning she followed the same curriculum as her teammates and their friends. And when everyone decided to go on their own to improve further, Sakura invested years of her life to make up for it as best she could.

She did what she could with the tools at her disposal, there was nothing for her to inherit from her bloodline, all Sakura had was her will, her mind, and determination. Utilizing her talent for control was what made her able to get to where she was.

'And even that wasn't enough,' It was frustrating when no matter how hard you pushed, you somehow still kept falling behind. She was in this world because she wasn't able to do anything more against Kaguya. Naruto and Sasuke were the only ones who could prevent the end of the world, all Sakura could do was try and keep out of the way and contribute wherever she could.

In this world her experience and training made her stand a little taller, but Sakura wasn't so conceited as to believe nothing posed a threat. Everyone was reaching for their true strength, that is all. What they lacked was something they could easily gain in time. Same as she had.

Still, she could enjoy herself a little more.

Especially with her 'training' now.

Sweat was cooling against Izuku's heated skin and clutching the fabric of his jacket to his body as he followed the workout routine set by Yawara. All to reach physical exhaustion and then force his quirk to push further than his stamina would allow and his body could tolerate. And keep doing that until the threshold was crossed to the next level of strength.

After seeing the results of Sakura's toss, the whole class had woken up to the reality of the training camp and were eager to start tearing into their quirks. No matter how exhausting it would be. Izuku was glad the Sakura was with him for training.

He was able to see her fighting up close. Yawara's quirk allowed him to twist and bend his body in ways that made it almost impossible to fight in close-quarters combat. Izuku hadn't been able to get a single hit in and was usually sent into a tree for missing. After the very short sparring, he had to return to the cardio exercises. It was continuous and intensive, but Sakura was following after with perfection.

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