Fall of Evil-Fall of Peace

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I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support and for enjoying my stories. Your enthusiasm for my work means the world to me and I am so grateful to have you as my audience. Your encouragement has been a source of inspiration for me and has motivated me to keep writing and creating.

It's been a tough couple of weeks, and I haven't been able to work on my projects as much as I've desired. I've had an especially hard time coping, but it seems that the worst has passed.

There will be a special announcement at the end.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Toshinori didn't look at the camera pointed in his direction, he kept his frame sideways, lifting his finger and pointing to the lens, as if to show that he was not addressing the crew. But someone behind the camera, someone who was watching from afar and gave this statement.

"Now it's your turn,"




The rising sun was a comfort for many who thought they wouldn't have survived this ordeal. It was a sign of victory as All For One was restrained by reinforcements, and wheeled away by authorities who spoke of the man barely holding on without his life support. Yet he had still managed to hold on.

Even in his state, caution was held, as he was strapped in heavy restraints, an oxygen mask placed over his mouth. Sakura watched the double doors of the van close and rush off with three other police cars following. Her stare was unreadable.

Rescue crews and other heroes had arrived to help pull any survivors from the rubble of what was left. The devastation was deeper than they anticipated, as the casualties were more severe than they anticipated. More heroes had come onto the scene to help authorities corner off the scene and help in retrieval.

They weren't the only ones though. Like vultures, Sakura had watched when the helicopter descended with the media crew, already standing within the barrier that was meant to be taped up. No one bothered aside from pushing them back a few feet but where they were still able to get in screen time. Sakura paid no heed, even when they attempted to call out to her. The questions were like whispers in the wind that went over her head.

Watching as the light of her chakra-covered body began to fade, it was like getting out of a scorching bath. She hadn't realized how hot the temperature was until she got out.

It was finally time for her to lift her head to the surface to breathe again, but she was being watched constantly. Eyes trailing that she felt as she moved with questions she would not answer at this time.

Toshinori limped over to her, in his deflated form. "Sakura...."

There were questions, many going through his head now. She could tell. But he just didn't know what to start with, or how to word it to her in hopes of a response. Even if she wanted to, Sakura knew she wouldn't be able to give clear answers. What had happened, was a first and she hadn't settled into the shock of it all.

Her body on the other hand was ahead of her mind. Her chest tightened, her trachea closed, her vision blurred and her head grew heavy until she could no longer stand and collapsed. She lost control of her body, shaking like someone had poured ice cubes down her back, her eyes rolled back in her head and she could faintly hear Toshinori calling to her.

"Sakura, Sakura stay with me, Sakura!"




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