Striking Out Alone

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Hello everyone! Since starting this new schedule, I have thankfully been able to get to work on all my stories and will soon be able to catch up on things. I am also starting something else for these stories, but for that you can check out my tumblr for more info.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

The sun rose above the mountains illuminating the peaks and casting a warm golden glow over the dense forest below. Sunrise and sunset were Sakura's favorite times of the day, she would be up before the sun and meet it at the top of a mountain far out into the wilderness. It was a good but swift climb up the mountain from there and that's where her day would be most of the time.

She would stay, maybe up to three days at a time, training constantly.

For hours she moved through a series of forms, her body flowing from one movement to the next with grace and precision. She practiced strikes, kicks, and grappling techniques, each one honed to perfection from years of dedicated training. It took a while for her muscles to burn with exertion and with determination fueling her efforts, it's why she had to stay on the peak for days at a time.

Despite her constitution being comparably weaker to some of her classmates, Sakura's ability and strength far exceeded an average human's. She had taken inspiration from Rock Lee's training regime. He was always so excited to tell her about his training activities, exercises, and sets. It was useful to Sakura in this case who had been attempting to exhaust her chakra to the point where she would have to push out to activate. This was without the use of her reserve in the Bayakugou seal.

It might not have made sense but it was a matter of creating a suitable environment and situation where she would be able to bring out that same charka as before.

It was nothing more than a working theory, an experiment with many failures thus far. But Sakura had been referencing Naruto and the times he had lost control with the nine tails chakra to consider these instances.

It's why she kept far out into the mountains to avoid civilization and catching attention. It was a great risk that she wasn't fully aware of and until she could be certain that nothing like the episodes of Naruto losing control of his power would happen to her, Sakura needed to keep away.

When she was near the point of exhaustion, that's when Sakura would stop all of her training, move to a body of water and simply sit out in a cave and meditate. From the outside, it would appear as if nothing was happening but this was not meant for relaxation. Instead, when she did this, Sakura would break out into a sweat, her body would shake and her muscles were tense with weight.

It was hard for Sakura at the start of her career as a shinobi. Kakashi was there as her mentor but while his time might have been evenly split, his actions varied with each student. He spent more time training with Sasuke, due to them sharing the Sharingan and they were similarly attributed in their nature. Naruto had to be constantly observed to ensure that there were no incidents, not just due to his character but with the Kyuubi as well.

And even when he argued for more training personally from Kakashi, he was denied that until later years. Until he found Jiraiya who taught him.

In that aspect Sakura was late to the party, confiding in Tsunade and requesting her to be her teacher.

It didn't matter though, she might've been a slow learner under these circumstances, but she did learn. And it had been enough to keep her moving forward. Now she would have to do the same again. If she didn't, she would allow herself to remain stuck, it didn't matter if she succeeded or failed in leaving this world, she just needed to make sure she was moving forward.

Kunoichi amongst Heroes (Boku no hero academia x Naruto crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ