Spin off MOVIE: PART 2

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Hello to my favourite readers! Hope you're enjoying this wonderful time of ghouls and ghosts and I'm glad you're here to enjoy it with me! Tricks and treats all around as we're back with U.A students taking a break from their regular lines to enter into this spin off on I-Island.

This world of heroes came with a lot of surprises. Aside from its odd system of heroes and villains, there was the advanced technology that stumped Sakura and made her feel like she had been living in a cave.

The transport in this world impressed her the most, second only to the internet. While not as fast as running, it offered a luxurious alternative to the rough roads experienced in carriages. The technology here allowed for smoother travel against the elements of nature. One could even leave the continent by flying, but Sakura didn't know what to expect when she got to the airport.

The airport was a bustling hub of activity, with people hurrying about to board their flights, pick up, or say farewell to loved ones. The vast space was filled with the hum of conversations, announcements over the intercom, and the occasional whirr of advanced machinery.

From how she was gawking, Hitoshi could tell that Sakura had never set foot in an airport before. He had to guide her through everything, from check-in to luggage drop-off, explaining the process patiently. She fretted about the weight restrictions, realizing they couldn't take certain bags personally onto the plane and had to stow them in the storage area. Even though she didn't carry much herself. Even went on about pets when she saw someone with a cat carrier.

Next, he helped her with the necessary paperwork and directed her to the ticket counter. Her eyes remained wide with wonder throughout the entire process. Finally, they reached their seats in first class, and to Sakura's surprise, no one else occupied the station.

A stewardess approached them and politely instructed them to buckle up. Hitoshi couldn't help but tease Sakura, asking if she needed him to clip in her seat belt. He noticed her fidgeting with her fingers, picking her nails, and asked, "Are you nervous?"

"I didn't actually realize how big these planes were, and now I'm wondering if I should be comfortable sitting in something this huge that's about to take to the air for hours," she replied anxiously.

"You are kidding, right?" Hitoshi chuckled, trying to ease her fears. "You've taken on villains but you're scared of flying? We're even in first class, which is the best seats."

"I just can't understand the mechanics," Sakura confessed, her voice filled with uncertainty.

"That's because you need a master's degree in engineering," he deadpanned, with his usual tone.

"What do they do if it crashes?" Sakura blurted out, her anxiety rising.

Hitoshi gently placed his hand over Sakura's, offering comfort. "Let's not go there," he said, trying to divert her thoughts from the worst-case scenario.

As the plane began to take off, Sakura felt the aircraft tremble, and for a moment, she wondered if Keigo had sent her on this trip hoping to end his guardianship. But once they were in the air, Hitoshi pointed to the window, drawing her attention to the breathtaking view outside.

All her fears and worries seemed to vanish as she gazed at the world below, captivated by the beauty of the clouds and the vastness of the sky. The worries of the airport and the mechanics of the plane were forgotten, replaced by the wonder of flight.

"If you ever mention to anyone about what happened here, I swear Hitoshi, I'm going to—"

"I know, knock me into next year," he finished her sentence with a smirk, understanding her intentions.

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