Stepping Away

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Hey guys, it's that time again! 2023 just keeps going, and we're already in April. I'm expanding on work, and started ghost writing commissions but you can find out more about that on my tumblr page.

Also for fans of Through the Looking Glass, while I am working to finish the new version of this story, I have been touching up on the sequel of Through the Spyglass, chapter 1 and 2 will be available for members only. And I am working on another way to bring these stories to life but if you want to know more, just head to my tumblr page for announcements and updates.

A group of friends stepped out of the bustling mall and onto the busy streets of Tokyo. One of them, Maiku, couldn't help but notice a change in the air. The familiar chatter and laughter had been replaced with a sense of unease. It seemed to have a dark undertone to it that everyone was attempting to hide. They had heard whispers of villains coming out of the shadows since All Might's retirement. But Maiku didn't think he would see it with his own eyes, not on the last day of summer break.

As he and his friends walked down the sidewalk, they stumbled upon a jewelry store being robbed by a group of five, they were all wearing black snow hats over their eyes, but it was possible to make up some distinct mutant features, such as horns, scales, and claws. But they were dressed in black and wielding weapons. Maiku couldn't help but feel a sense of fear wash over him and his friends as they realized the world was not as safe as it once was.

The jewelry store's alarm blared, adding to the chaos of the scene. The mutants were rushing to flee the scene. Maiku knew he should call the police, but he was too shaken to move. HE stood watching, taking in the destruction the villains had caused while they cackled away as if they were having a celebration. Perhaps this was the celebration of the loss of All Might.

He may not have been the only hero in existence, but he was the symbol that held them strong.

The villains sprinted, with bags of cash, and loose bills falling as they made it to a car parked at the end of the street. The onlookers, much like himself were caught off guard by the sudden event and scrambled to get away. But as they sped down the street heading for a crossing, one family, a mother, father, and their child were caught in the middle of the pedestrian crossing, frozen in shock and fear.

As the car revved its engine, to speed towards the crossing, it seemed as though the family was doomed. From the angle Maiku stood, he was certain that the car had hit the family as they were covered by it, but that's when it came to a sudden halt. It was too harsh to have been from the emergency break before he saw the back tires lift into the air for a few seconds like the vehicle was ready to flip over.

Maiku cautiously and curiously stepped closer to get a better look. There he saw her. There was a girl, in a black hoody, but she wasn't wearing the hood, perhaps the force had knocked it off because she was holding the car back with one hand. The wheels screeched against the pavement.

A small fist fell on the hood of the car, knocking out the engine before she moved around to the doors, ripping the metal off with the locks like she was peeling off wrapping paper. The robbers were dragged out with force, and each of them was knocked to the ground with one hit that made them immobile.

Then she took one glance at Maiku, where he attempted to memorize all the details he could about her face before she vanished in a blur without uttering a word.

This was at least an interesting end to his summer break.




'It keeps getting worse,' When opportunity presents itself, everyone wants to strike. This was evident with All Might's retirement and the uproar caused by All For One. It's like villains were given the signal to step out into the light with gusto now that there was no longer a Symbol of Peace to guard the gates of crime.

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