A world of Heroes

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The concept of Quirks was something Sakura found the most interesting about this world, as well as the rules that went with them. Quirks refer to the abilities and mutations that appeared in history without origin and vary among eighty percent of the population. Quirks cannot be used publicly by any non-licensed hero. Quirks cannot be used to injure other persons under any circumstances without just cause and a hero license. It was those fundamental rules that laid the foundation of labeling criminals or as they were termed here, villains.

This profession of heroism was born from the chaos the appearance of quirks had created. When everyone believed that they could use their power to shape the world as they wanted it. It was such a basic concept though. You have the power, flaunt it over others to get what you want. Power mixed with the selfishness of human nature and that's what happens. The restrictions of quirks were a means of controlling the chaos that came with power, but she knew first hand that it wasn't possible to control something like this. When you have power, it's easy to get caught up in ambitions. It was a web that couldn't be broken, untangled, or navigated. At some point, you just can't go on any further and that's where you stop.

The term heroes was primarily more of a title earned through an education system rather than selfless acts of bravery. It involved profit and popularity, rankings, and statics.

When risking your life, receiving reward certainly seemed more practical to Sakura. As a ninja who has been sent on death threatening missions, she wouldn't be too happy if her success wasn't rewarded. But being a ninja was more than just a job, if that were the case more people would have had choices when it came to becoming one. But there was status, expectations, loyalties, the sake of survival, talent, ability, traditions and so much more that factored in when it came to being a ninja.

A hero's path was much more narrow in this world, and evidently cleaner on their part.

Understanding the foundation of this society was the means to help Sakura adapt quicker so she wouldn't cause disruptions while attempting to find a way out of this world. But she hadn't anticipated how differently it operated to hers. And realized that a flawless transition wasn't possible.

Naruto had been known to attract trouble, Sakura wasn't sure if it was his subconscious that drew him to it or if this was just fate playing its hand. But whatever happened, Sakura was usually dragged along with him, as his teammate and friend. That excuse was moot in this world and Sakura was beginning to think that when trouble came her way it wasn't due to someone else's fortune but her misfortune.

There was a low crime rate in Japan compared to other countries in this world. The reason is said to be the great Symbol of Peace, All Might, the number one hero who resided here. Japan also had that quirk restriction law which was unique.

That didn't mean that there weren't crimes committed by those who thought to use their abilities to aid in their selfish desires. Of course, she had no intention of becoming a hero nor did she want anything to do with vigilantism. There was an overflow of heroes working to deal with these problems.

If only they had shown up a bit earlier.....


Two days on her own in this world and Sakura had spent the majority of it in a library researching and the rest exploring the city. She realized that she needed to find a way to sustain herself so that she could afford lodging. Going a few days without eating wasn't much of an issue for her but she was going to have to replenish eventually.

'What can I do for money though?'

Despite her trailing thoughts and the loud roads she walked along, Sakura didn't miss the disturbance in the air as she passed the silent buildings, catching the hostile presence lurking in the darkness of those spaces.

Kunoichi amongst Heroes (Boku no hero academia x Naruto crossover)Where stories live. Discover now