A Little Girl's Tears

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Hello everyone! I'm back with more drama and more chapters for you! It has been a hectic week. From mountains of work, to my sister convincing me that our house was on fire-not kidding, I'm finally able to post these new chapters.

Hope you enjoy!

After seeing everything that the zoo offered, from the exhibits, daily shows, and gift shop trinkets. Sakura and Eri ventured beyond the boundaries of the zoo. With daylight still burning, they were offered the luxury of time. And so, Sakura decided to take Eri to the park for a late lunch.

They settled at a weathered picnic table, their lunches spread before them like an offering. Eri's gaze wandered, her eyes alighting upon the playground where children danced in harmonious chaos. Laughter reverberated through the air, a symphony of carefree joy that she wasn't familiar with.

Eri chewed on her sandwich, her eyes fixated on the children at play. "Sakura?" Eri began, her words carrying a sense of innocence. "Why are some of them wearing the same clothes? Is that why they're running together?"

Sakura followed Eri's gaze, her eyes landing upon a group of children engrossed in a game of tag. Clad in identical blue shirts and navy pants or skirts and yellow hats. The children were dashing about, climbing up the ladders, coming down the slides, hanging on the monkey bars, Sakura could tell Eri was more than interested in the activities. She could only imagine just how limited Eri's contact with others had been previously. So it made sense that the young girl was curious and cautious about them. She also didn't know that what lead the kids to play together in that fashion was probably because they were from the same school.

"They're in their school uniforms," Sakura explained,

Eri cocked her head, her curiosity unquenched. "School uniforms?"

Sakura paused, her gaze softening as she recognized the void in Eri's understanding. She took a moment to gather her thoughts.

"School is a place where kids go to learn about things, to read and write," Sakura began, her voice a gentle caress against the backdrop of the park's symphony. "It's a place where you make friends."

"School," Eri whispered, her voice tinged with a newfound yearning.

Sakura gave a gentle pat to Eri's cheek, wiping a crumb from the corner of her mouth. As much as she wanted to offer a place for Eri at school, that was still a milestone well into the distance with Eri's current condition as well as Sakura's own situation, she couldn't in good faith leave Eri alone with strangers. She had just started trusting Sakura and this could unravel all of that even if going to school was something Eri might really want. Now wasn't the time.

It dawned on Sakura just how much her own disposition would inconvenience Eri of having any hope of living a normal life. Something she deserved after seeing the scars that lingered on her skin.

"Would you like me to teach you? To read and write?"

Eri's smile bloomed as she nodded. "Mm!"




The days had melded into a tapestry of routine for Sakura and Eri. Their mornings were greeted with warmth and Eri would awaken with a newfound sense of purpose, ready to tackle the chores that lay ahead with Sakura close by.

Eri was even becoming eager to leave the safety of the forest and venture further out now. She and Sakura started going to the city more often, hiding their distinguishable features well enough that they could move about without trouble.

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