Katsuki versus Sakura

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At last I have returned! It's been a while, but naturally a lot's been happening with me, life is hard and hasn't gotten better since recently I've lost a family member so I haven't been in the mood to write very often.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The final match of the Sports Festival was bringing people on the street to a stop to view the fight on whatever screen or device was available for streaming. Although nothing was like a front-row seat to the spectacle. The crowds cheered with vigor after Sakura and Katsuki stepped onto the stage. They watched as the two finalists faced one another, Katsuki's eyes gleaming bright with determination, a rather vicious smile strained with intensity on his face while Sakura in contrast to her opponent was calm and indifferent.

"Now it's time for our last battle for the U.A. Sports Festival! The best of our first years will be decided with this one match! From the hero course Sakura Haruno versus-also from the hero course Katsuki Bakugou!"

It was tense up until the moment Hizashi called for the match to start, Sakura could feel the way people's gazes sharpened as if trying to pierce into her. She also sensed great hostility from Katsuki. He was so determined to win, to leap across any obstacle. This made him unconcerned about the possible difference in strength. It was somewhat admirable that he wouldn't allow himself to be deterred from his goal for any reason.


Smoke mixed in the air as Katsuki used his explosions to propel forward, unlike when he chose to remain stationary while fighting Ochaco, allowing her to make the first move while he stayed on guard. He knew well enough that there was a stark difference between his opponent then and now.

Sakura hadn't taken any action while he came to her with the intent to attack first.

'I will win!'

When Katsuki reached her, he came at her with a right-hook, just as he did all the other times she saw him fight. Unlike most of her other classmates, Katsuki didn't waver in fights despite his inexperience. While arrogant he wasn't naive. He would at least know by now that Sakura wasn't an ordinary opponent either and would show some degree of caution. He just couldn't gauge the real difference.

His palm had a light glow as it dragged along the ground at her, creating a light smoke screen. Sakura side-stepped it, keeping herself away from the center point of the blast. The heat lightly touched her skin and smoke filled her sight but Katsuki wasn't done there. He saw her move and came again with a right swing. And once more she avoided the attack with the most subtle movements, that didn't even require her to take a step.

"So you already knew not to wait for me to make the first move," Sakura spoke while avoiding Katsuki's explosions that were being thrown at her with full vigor.

Releasing a battle cry, Katsuki began taking jabs at his opponent, making sure to add an explosion with each strike but Sakura's figure was blurring as she evaded them. Her hands effectively moving his out of their desired path every time he got too close. What irked Katsuki the most, was the apathetic expression she held while maintaining these efforts against him.

'She's damn sly!'

She was used to this kind of fighting method. Tsunade had trained her well to avoid attacks and read her opponent's patterns. Katsuki had to reel his arms back a certain length when he used his explosions to avoid getting caught in his own attack otherwise he would have to control the output of his power.

Katsuki's attacks could vary from close to mid-range, and further with his equipment but right now Sakura knew he was trying to use the distance to his advantage. Not close enough for her to strike and enough for his explosions to deal damage.

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