Stain Vs Sakura: Dance of Blades

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Hey everyone, welcome back. As we head towards 2022, I want to say thank you to everyone who supported me and been with me for this long. I want to continue to grow as a writer and I hope you'll stay with me for the journey because there's going to be a lot more coming up. Once the new year begins, so will my new stories, original and more. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


It didn't make sense. Why was the GPS location Izuku sent in an alley blocks away from the villain attack? Sakura could read the mark on the map, but as she narrowed in on the area, she realized that while it was close, Izuku was still further away from the incident. So was there something else going on? Sakura was coming to crossroads at this point, jumping from building to building across town. She could hear sirens, and distress noises, but it shouldn't be where Izuku was right now.

"What exactly is going on around here?"

She would find out, once she turned around the next block.


A coincidence, it was all just a trick of fate. A scenario that randomly brought them together through similar ties of interest. That's what each of them could argue.

Tenya had come to the Hero agency of Manual to intern, in misguided hopes of finding the hero killer Stain. The villain that had destroyed his brother's career as a hero and rendered him paralyzed from the waist down. He didn't know if he would meet with Stain, knowing how slim the chances were, but amid the chaos, with three villains that rampaged through the city, all with the same begrudging forms of Nomu. In the corner of his eyes, a shadow in an ally took all his attention away from the fighting heroes and screaming civilians. He chased that shadow and that's when he came to face the Hero Killer Stain, ready to add another victim to his collection of fallen heroes.

Like the water in a pot that was left too long on the stove, Tenya boiled over with fury and anger. He knew why he had joined Manual's agency despite receiving better offers, he knew why he was here. It wasn't for the internships, it wasn't to become a better hero. It was revenge.

It seemed that rage was a road riddled with holes that made it difficult for Tenya to use his speed. Stain countered Tenya and had him pinned within less than 30 seconds. But before Stain could finish him. A heavy punch right across his face, had him skidding back.

Izuku was interning in a different town, more remote than Hosu, with less likelihood of criminal activity, and his initial destination wasn't even here. But after three days of training with All Might's previous teacher Gran Torino, he was deemed fit enough to go out in the field for some real experience only to take the detour when a hero crashed into the train followed by a creature that looked similar to Nomu. Only white-skinned with a more narrow build, but his brain exposed to the elements and his eyes dead was what gave Izuku that same tremor of terror when he faced Nomu at USJ. His mentor went after the creature and despite the order to remain on the train, Izuku followed after. That's when he saw Manual and heard him searching for Tenya while the other heroes battled against two more villains that resembled Nomu. On data he had of the hero killer, Izuku took to the alley's to search for Tenya, and he found his friend injured, with another hero.

The element of surprise was his best weapon, which allowed Izuku to get a hit on Stain. But that trump card was used and like Tenya, Izuku couldn't make up for his lack of combat experience against the villain and had ended up immobilized. Stain didn't make him a target though and went back to Tenya. When a stream of flames made him jump away.

Shouto wasn't supposed to be in Hosu either, but after interning with Endeavor agency. His father decided to take him out to the field to specifically search for the hero killer and see him in action. It wasn't pleasant, but it was bearable despite his discontent for his father. However, when they arrived, there was another incident taking place, with villains that had to be related to Nomu from the USJ were involved. Before Shouto could get dragged into that, he received the message from Izuku. And despite only receiving the location, he ran after telling his father to send any free heroes to the place.

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