Welcome to UA

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Nezu watched the pinkette that had been standing in his office quietly while he explained her 'expulsion' and re-enrollment. It was a process that Aizawa used to show them how easy it was to slip through the cracks if you were not cautious. So that they could take the experience and grow. However, it seemed that it didn't account for the oddity that was Sakura Haruno.

At least she was present for her second day.

"Haruno, don't misunderstand Aizawa. We appreciate your talent and we will do our best to nurture it to its fullest potential. But that will only be possible if you allow us, hence I hope that you'll be present for your classes from now on," Nezu said with a smile that he almost held at a constant. "And that you'll prevent taking any more actions to keep you from attending school,"

"Sure," Sakura tugged at her necktie to loosen its grip on her neck. "Though I'm going to miss homeroom,"

"Don't worry, I've informed Aizawa that you'll be a few minutes late," Nezu waved before clasping his paws together, "Have you settled into your home?"


"There are no problems?


"Have you met any neighbors?"


"If you have any-

"Excuse me principle, it's the commission that deals with my lodging and I'm not particularly picky about where I live so long as I don't have strangers hovering over me. So can I please get to class?"

"Of course; welcome to U.A. Haruno,"

She nodded slightly in response before leaving the office.

Nezu learned a lot when he watched the pinkette's performance during the entrance exam. The way she fought was outstanding, her power mixed with a calm and calculated persona. There was no hesitating or moment of pause, yet she showed no signs of lacking in stamina even after all she had done. And when it came to the zero-point robot; she jumped in to save people and then spent the rest of the remaining time to heal their injuries.

Despite the harsh front she had shown thus far towards them. Nezu knew that she was a kind person; who was willing to commit self-sacrifice. Not just in a stable environment like the entrance exam, but in the real world just as well. A real potential hero.

However he was concerned; for such a young girl, she was cautious and vigilant. Not bothering to hide that she trusted no one. Even heroes.


Navigating through the school building wasn't easy when it had dozens of floors, wide hallways painted like roads but eventually, Sakura found the sign standing on top of a large door, several meters high. Likely to accommodate more people whose growth was above the average human.

When she opened the door, she first saw her homeroom teacher; Shouta standing in front of a blackboard, leaning forward on a desk placed in the middle of it. Then she examined the classroom, it was much smaller than the ones at the Academy, but there were far fewer students held in its capacity. Each with an individual desk, instead of the wooden desks that could seat up the three people, with their own plush chairs that could be adjusted.

There were also familiar faces; three exactly. All the boys she had interacted with during the introduction for the practical exam. Two of which she had argued within the auditorium.

'Oh great,'

The boy with the glasses spoke, "Aren't you......?"

"Nice to see you again too," Sakura gave a wave that looked more like a swat; her entrance attracting everyone's attention. Although she wouldn't have stood out next to the other students if they were lined together.

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