Shouto versus Sakura

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Hello! I know that it's been longer than usual but I'm trying to get through tough times but I'm finally back and hope you enjoy this chapter. And thank you to everyone for the votes!



'What was I thinking?'

Sakura knew that Shouto's situation had nothing to do with her. Just because his mother shared details of their personal life, it didn't give her the right to intervene with it. And yet despite the logic she dictated, she went against it to try and reach out to him. Ironic, since she hadn't allowed her classmates to reach her in that manner. However, they were not under the same circumstances; it's just that only she was aware of the fact.

But realistically this was always more Naruto's specialty, getting involved with others regardless of whether they were friend or foe. He would put himself in difficult positions, even the most painful, just to offer his hand. And like many, she wanted to follow his example.

Of course, not just anyone could.

That's because no matter how bright a candle flame tried to burn, it could never shine as brightly as the sun. Didn't mean it wouldn't try.

Sakura heard stories of her friends, and their harsh childhoods, but she was never able to do anything about it nor relate and it wasn't appreciated when the attempt was made. She understood that. But at the same time, Sakura was impulsive in ways that contradicted her own thinking. No matter how futile, she couldn't turn away when she saw people who needed help. It usually took someone else to pull her back.

With Shouto she had been drawing too many parallels with friends from her world and him, especially the suffering and complex family life that shaped their persona. She couldn't just bring herself to ignore it. Not when she knew the possible consequence.

Even though she intended to keep people from this world at arm's length from herself, she couldn't ignore the pain of others. Being indifferent to those situations just wasn't her strong suit. She was, after all, a kunoichi who cries easily.





Once the stage was repaired, Sakura had to step into the ring against Fumikage. He had teamed up with Izuku during the cavalry, and his quirk Dark Shadow was their greatest defense and offense. A shadow-like creature that could extend from Fumikage and attack long range. Sakura saw this when he fought against Mina, and used Dark Shadow to barely swipe her out of bounds with barely any effort.

'He's probably going to try and use the same tactic against me,' Sakura thought, starring down her opponent. He was wary of her but kept himself more composed than Momo had. He likely figured that if he kept her at a distance, then she wouldn't be able to deal him any damage.


"Go Dark Shadow!"

Barely a second after the fight was called to start, Fumikage activated his quirk Dark Shadow. The dark bird-like creature moved quickly, setting its yellow eyes on Sakura.

"I got her!" Like a real bird swooping down on its prey, its clawed hands swiped out but met the air as the pink-haired girl pivoted and swayed with a breath of space.

"Don't think so,"

It was some of the more fascinating quirks, reminding her of Shikamaru's shadows he could manipulate but those were just that; shadows. Fumikage's quirk seemed to have its own conscience. That didn't make it a tougher opponent though.

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