Exam Time

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Yay yay, I'm back! I have been hit with some burnout but since I update every two weeks I will manage to post even if I don't write 24/7. Thanks again to everyone for your support and love. I hope that you'll continue to enjoy my stories and I can continue to share more with you.

Enjoy the chapter!

Thanking Hitoshi for his study sessions was not something Sakura did even though she contemplated it until she remembered he had tricked her into studying with him. The written exams only lasted three days, but tension could be felt around the whole school until they ended. She had forgotten about that tension, the need to be academically inclined but it wasn't this intense at the academy even though students were taught more advanced levels on certain topics due to the limited time they would be attending. It must have been the age. When you're ten, who would stress about academics to the same degree as a high school student?

Even Shikamaru, who had the highest IQ in their group slacked in his academics. It was mostly their practicals that gave them the right to graduate anyway. It had been Sakura's only strength at the time, so she thrived in her academics, but now she was less than thrilled to return to them in this manner.

While her classmates shared in her relief to be done with the exams, they still had the practical but because they had heard from a class b student that they would likely be fighting robots again, no one was nervous. More excited to see how much they had improved from the last time they faced off against the mechanical monsters.

Unfortunately, when they arrived at the Center Plaza where the practicals were taking place, all suited in hero costumes, they were met with a very stunning development from their teachers.

Almost all of their teachers were present when Principal Nezu gave the announcement, "For various reasons the exams will be different. We want to focus on person-to-person combat and hero work, and stress teaching that is closer to actual combat. So we'll have you form two teams and fight against the teachers!"

The years before, had all been the same type of exam, fighting robots to reduce damage and injury to persons. But the League of villains had an impact on the new system that was coming into play now. Unfortunately, no one had warned them, so some student's who weren't well versed in controlling their quirks like Mina and Denki were particularly disappointed.

"The pairs for this exam have already been decided," Shouta told them. His students were stunned at the idea. They were divided based on various factors regarding not only their fighting styles and quirks but interpersonal relationships that would affect the state of combatant ability.

When Shouta announced the teams, Sakura could deduce the reason behind them. Izuku and Katsuki were up against All Might. That had a lot of inter-relationship conflicts. Eijirou and Sato were going against Cementos, to combat their physical quirks and so on. Shouto and Momo were going against Shouta, someone who could cancel out the quirks of one person that relied too much on his raw power and another who risked a power shift just from losing focus.

Then Shouta announced her partner and their opponent, "Haruno and Jirou, you'll be up against Present Mic,"

'Great,' Sakura sighed, Hizashi was able to emit sound as a weapon and probably from great distances. That would put them at a disadvantage because Kyoka was sensitive to noises and they were hoping Sakura wouldn't be able to get in close to attack because she had shown to be at the most a close to mid-range fighter.

Nezu held up a pair of handcuffs to the class, "The time limit for the exam is thirty minutes! Your objective is either to put these handcuffs on the teacher or to have one of you escape the stage."

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