Camp Interrupted part 2

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Hey everyone, hope you're enjoying this month as we get closer and closer to Halloween. I've got a special treats for this month, you can find out more about at the end of this chapter. Enjoy!

Even with the knockout gas removed from the scene, the forest was still far from safe. Sakura had started taking care of the fires, but it had spread over a wide area. Even with her water techniques that were a bit rough around the edges, there were still more spreading around. Even in areas where she was certain the fires couldn't spread as quickly. That could only mean someone was setting these fires and with the flames blue, she could only draw one conclusion.

That turned her rescue mission into a hunt for the villains. If she could take those people down, that would assure everyone's safety.

'But I still don't know how many villains there are.' For all the trouble that they've gone it, she knew the likelihood of them leaving now would be moot. She just had to find them before they achieved their objective and since she was one of them...

'I can be my own bait,'

When her plan seemed set, a rumble in the ground turned her attention in another direction. She went to get higher in the trees overlooking the forest.

The wind whipped her hair as she peered around checking for any more abnormalities in the area. The fire was still there, then there was the camp that was still in one piece. And then there was the towering trail of ice that was peaking above the canopy.

'Shouto and Katsuki were on a team together,' and this sign of struggle didn't bode well if the villains had found him and a fight had happened. On the other hand, this left a trail for her to follow. Glancing back at the fire area, Sakura was once again at crossroads.

But she already knew what decision to make at the moment.




"Dammit, he's too fast!" Shouto panted, craning his neck to watch the cloaked villain practically dance his way through the forest high above their reach.

"If only Iida were here," Ochaco panted.

Too much too fast. Izuku had barely gotten the message out to Mandalay before he rushed into the forest again looking for Katsuki. Only to come across an injured Mezoi that had been attacked by a villain which caused Fumikages dark shadow to go berzerk. They were chased through the forest by the monstrous dark shadow and then finally came upon Katsuki and Shouto who were battling with difficulty against the villain Moonfish. He had the ability to turn his teeth to razor blades and was proving difficult to best with his skills, but Dark Shadow had brought the villain down in nearly an instant before Shouto and Katsuki's flame-based quirks tamed Fumikage's quirk.

Even after Izuku found Katsuki they were still far from out of the woods. Trying to safely get him back to camp, they had formed almost a barricade around him. However, another villain from the league managed to slip through their defenses and captured not only Katsuki but Fumikage as well.

Izuku wasn't sure what his quirk was, but it allowed him to take Katsuki and Fumikage and trap them in small spheres that could literally fit in his pocket. Though they chased after him, he was agile and more trouble followed when they ran into Ochaco and Tsuyu on the path, also facing another villain. But she had run away as soon as the numbers were against her.

Things were going from bad to worse. But Izuku wasn't willing to give up yet.

"I have an idea,"


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