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" I am a greedy man,
But only when it comes to her. "


• Delhi, India.

The Man she was investigating for over four years and everytime she gets closer getting all the dirt on him, he bombarded her with a transfer letter. But this time it was different, he didn't transferred her, but destroyed her works of years. Only she knows how she got those evidences. How much she suffered in getting her hands on them.

This time, she didn't bothered herself to collect anymore evidences. Instead she played the very old and cheap trick, getting closer to the enemy. And now standing on the grounds of Delhi, she is only feeling like evil witch.

Mahrosh Yaman, a mere environmental officer, going to bring the King of The Jungle AKA Haider Talal, the man who funds the huge rallies of corrupted politicians, just to get bigger profits.

Her head felt heavy suddenly, her spirit going down, anxiety rushing up, in her thoughts she is a wonder woman. But this is real life and in reality life works differently. Until unless miracle happens. And Miracles do happen but only for those who believes truthfully.

"Its going to be Good."

She repeated her own mantra for a thousand time in the same day.

"Ms Mahrosh?" She heard a very sophisticated and gentle voice, turning around, she saw a man in three piece suit holding his hand together infront of her. She didn't understand who is he, and why he's showing her respect. As far as her memory goes, her job doesn't give her any kind of facilities outside the working hours.

"And who are you Mister?"

Her lips thinned, she has made many enemies with her truthful personality. And has gotten many rape threats or murder threats, even two years ago a builder tried to abduct her, but unfortunately for that poor builder he wasn't aware of Mahrosh Yaman's abilities. Mahrosh knew from day one, she was a fish in the Ocean of sharks. So for her survival she has to impose herself like a shark, dangerous and move like a fish, fast, very fast.

And well that end really well, Mahrosh has a tracking system in her car and the Builder along his man got caught on the spot. Kudos to Mahrosh for her presence of mind.

"I'm Shenk Ryan, Haider Talal's Secretary."

Shenk Ryan was still holding his hands and bowing his head in her respect.

Mahrosh sighed in relief, she knew one thing about Haider Talal very well, he doesn't attack on the back.

"And Your boss might wants to meet me?" She raised her eyebrows.

And Shenk Ryan smiled, a real one. Well Mahrosh wasn't expecting this.

"Ma'am isn't it what you wanted? Trying very hard to meet my boss for the past four years?" He mocked her jokingly and it was the last nail in the coffin, Mahrosh smiled sweetly, putting her heels on his polished shoes.

"I don't like Witty People."

Shenk Ryan just nodded and gestured the chauffeur to open the gates of the car, Mahrosh silently sat inside.

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