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I walked through the crowd of people trying terribly to disguise the annoying pain of these high heels shoes. I was trying to look for Jennifer, a very pretty blonde with pump-pink lips, and a black tight dress, probably flirting with some model she tells she wanted to take her chance at this party.

I laughed at that tough of how reckless and naive she was, in all honesty, I understood her side trying to live a little she wasn't a one-term relationship kind of girl so she had her fun plus she had a very beautiful list of handsome men in this party.

I was here in business though alongside my partner and best friend, Jeniffer who seemed to have forgotten that specific fact. After Chanel's fashion show we came to the after-party my main goal was to make reliably associated partnerships with fashion experts. I had created a small business with all the financial help from my dad who helped the short small business to grow right now I was trying to look for interesting fashion freaks who were willing to take a shot at a new fashion designer who wanted to start a business, all support was needed and I needed to show people the fashion receipt of this new designer in town.

Whenever I am investing in a business I do like to know what I am getting into, I evaluated the job and I honestly see so much potential the only thing I need is to disclose the pieces with the right people the rest is easy.

"Ellie?" I heard my name from afar a feminine figure appeared in my front, I tried to decipher who that was but the lights and the dim light didn't help. Suddenly I felt a tight embrace and a pitched voice in my ear "oh I haven't seen you in years"

"Charlotte" I smiled back at the smiley woman holding me. She was shorter holding me down to her height she then grabbed my face analyzing it carefully I could see her face quite close, although she was around 60's going on 70's she looked good may be due to the surgeries but her wrinkles were barely seen and her teeth seem whiter than 3 years ago which was the last time I've seen her.

She was a famous French rich lady fanatical over fashion, her money comes from her husband which is a very busy man his way to compensate her is by letting her use her credit card. She is happy, he is happy best of both worlds I guess.

"Oh cherrie you look so beautiful I love your dress! Are you still in college?"

"Thanks. Oh I finished it already "

"Oh, that's great for you. What are you doing here?"

"I'm on business trying to show some work of a new designer" I said rather loudly due to the music

"Oh I loved to see it please show it to me" she said happily

"I'm wearing it now" I let out a slight laugh due to her comment on my dress

"Oh, unbelievable I love it!"

"I have more" I said taking my phone and showing her some pictures

"Oh beautiful so sexy and so passionate I love it who is she?"

I let a sarcastic sigh leave my lips, which I think she didn't realize "It's a he in fact, Andre Allegre"

"Oh... Fantastique! I need to know all of his work send me the details " she shouted in a very French accent

"I sure will Charlotte, thanks" I smiled at her interest "he needs all the help he can, he wants to open his first shop"

"Trés bien! I think he has a very bright future in front of him! Oh I need that fur coat, send me one of that!" she said grabbing my phone

I smiled passing her clingy yet regular behavior  "I will Charlotte don't worry"

"Great honey! Oh oh! They are about the serve the long drink I need a mimosa right away !" she squealed in joy, she grabbed me and gave me two kisses on either cheek very fast I must add "au revoir cherrie I will see you around"

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