87 | 𝐍𝐨 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬

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Plaza. 7:58 pm


My leg bounced nervously as I repeatedly checked the clock. The restaurant's loud noise was barely audible to me as I was intensely focused on the clock's ticking seconds that felt like hours. As it struck 7:59, I breathed a sigh of relief and watched as the clock hand moved to the next minute. I felt like a teenager waiting for a date, and though I couldn't pinpoint the cause of my nervousness, I knew it was all because of her.

Lately, I guess, she had been the cause of everything. It's not guessing in fact I know for sure it's her.

My body can't control itself I feel so drawn to her, it's like we are two magnets being dragged to each other. My mind gets so blurry whenever I think of her or when I am with her, my subconscious is pretty obstinate when it comes to her. It's her and only her.

Though I am pretty direct toward what I want... I know her like the palm of my hand, in a year I learn more about her than what I expected, I can almost read her look and I know for sure she is quite indecisive about our relationship.

I can see in her eyes, she is afraid. Afraid of being with me, afraid of giving in. Maybe that's why she didn't realized or told me her feelings sooner.

I can see through that easily.

I know her better than I ever wanted to, but I simply can't get enough of her. She appeared out of the blue but these feeling I have for her, I guess they were always there from day one I couldn't simply recognize them.

It's utterly amazing to say the least, how that woman turned my life upside down, and how willing I am to let her do that.

Eleonora is something I have never had in my life. I loved before, at least I think I did but after knowing her and I am not sure if I was ever in love or if I really know and experience that word... Love.

I have a feeling that she will teach me the meaning of that word, but until then I will keep my rhythm and follow her lead while making sure she is comfortable. I will always communicate my desires to her. As I watched the clock hands, I whispered "8 pm" and scanned the restaurant in search of her beautiful face. Perhaps she forgot or decided not to come, but those possibilities don't seem like her at all.

Perhaps my anxiety was getting the best of me and influencing my vulnerable mind. Or perhaps it was just her, the impact she had on me. The mere thought of her had a strong hold over me, a man who owns over half of the businesses in the United States, a renowned billionaire. I don't say this to boast, but I am almost a multi-millionaire after expanding my business in Europe. In many aspects and areas, I am quite powerful, but when it comes to her, I feel weak. And to prove my point...

- I saw her smiling to the waitress as he indicated her the table. She was dressing a long silver dress tight to her body, making her curves perfectly clear and admirable. Times like these made me question what I wanted, whether I wanted to put her under my embrace and show her to the world as mine or walk her home so no one could have the same sight as me.

However, the first option was rather shinier.

"Am I late?" she questioned me as she sat down on the chair in front

"No... I was earlier"

"I thought you would be the one arriving late because of your meetings," she said placing a bunch of papers on the table

I looked at them with a raise eyebrow wondering what would that all be about... Was our contract changed that much? I think that it's going to be quite strict.

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