67 | 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬

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"You had a date, Ell?" my mom shouted in the middle of the grocery store making me flinch

"It wasn't a date and speak lower" I told her while taking the juices from the shelf into our cart.

"Oh my god ELEONORA!" My mom screamed "You went out on a date with that man!"

"It wasn't a date"

"Sure. You he is your fake husband, whom you got to fake dates with and next you fake fuck him!" She said making my eyes widen in shock while apologizing to the old lady next to us

"Mom! Stop being dramatic! It wasn't a date, we just went out-"

"Oh, you went out- had lunch, watched a movie, then ate at a drive-thru. I don't have a date in years but I know very well that sounds like one!"

I rolled my eyes at her comment while looking for ham "I had to accompany him on something. It wasn't a date"

"Accompany him? You had better excuses darling" my mom said not amused

"No matter how much I say it... you will think that we went out on a date"

"I will because I know you and you're lying to me"

"You do not know me mom...if you did you would realize it's true"

"I know you very well Eleonora Vargas Hart! I do know you find that man attractive and you will fall into his little love trap"

"Ma! I will not fall into whatever trap you talking about?"

"Really?" she asked while lifting an eyebrow "May I remind you of your last relationship?" she asked making my stomach and heart hurt while my face expressions turned sadder

"You really had to mention it?" I said while choosing the chips to take

"I had too... Eleonora, honey" She stepped away from behind the grocery cart and walked to me while grabbing my face " I don't want you to get hurt. I am your mother, I just want you to be happy not for a little while but for the rest of your life and Blaze isn't it!"

"I wasn't thinking that he was mom"

"You know who is a good catch?" She asked leaving a hint of curiosity in my brain


"The massage man" she said smiling "He was so into you, he was a gentleman and he didn't flirt with you because he respected you as a married woman" My brain tried to access all of my past experiences with men's so I could figure out who she was talking about.

"Remember when we went to that Spa with Miles and Jennifer? How can you not remember that man was like an epitome of handsome and you know Kahlo means he is either Spanish or German" The name gave me small flashbacks of that day... then I remembered the tall and beautiful figure of a man that he was, he had perfect brown hair and brown eyes and a mean face although he was surprisingly very nice. Our first meeting was apparently at my wedding which still to this day I can't recall.

"He also looked a bit angry" I told her

She rolled her eyes in disapproval" You are so peaky"

"Mom you can't simply try to match me. I'm still married, remember?" I said lifting my hand up and showing her my wedding ring

"How can I forget it?" she claimed, i walked along the big grocery store trying to find everything I needed for easter. The family would gather at our house tomorrow and I couldn't be more anxious.  Mom was helping, at least trying, now and then she would ask for details about my relationship with Blaze which apparently was a big problem for her.

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