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The weeding went just as planned, it was in fact the exact same thing as yesterday but now the church was more then full. There was a lot of fancy and expensive faces around the guests.

People that had appeared in Blaze's biography files and some sort of celebrities in the world of medicine and everything else. You could sense from miles away of fake these people were, I went to a lot of rich events since I married Blaze and even before at my dad's firm events yet nothing as compared to this. It's a whole level of hypocrisy and falsity.

After two hours of being in the church almost sleeping, the guests were finally moved to the big salon B where the lunch was being held. We have finally designated a table. The climate around me and Blaze was weird, I was not facilitating his life and he didn't want to break the ice, he wasn't speaking since we left the hotel room.

Our table was composed by Mary, Peter, Isaac, Fēn and Li. People I didn't know. I recognize the name Mary I guess it was a aunt? Oh the aunt that he escaped to...

"Look we are with your aunt Mary, that's good isn't it?" I asked breaking the ice, his face had seem to light up qt my question. Was he that happy to see Aunt Mary?

"That's good" he commented. We walked to our round table meeting Aunt Mary and her husband and son.

"Oh hello! Look it's my handsome nephew " Abeautiful woman said while hugging Blaze, he hugged her back with a smile and then Peter, his uncle, he shook his hand with Isaac and kissed Fēn which I presumed it was Isaac wife, damn I should've read those papers more carefully, they had a little stroller and that was probably Li in there.

"So who is this?" Mary asked smiling at me. She was the replica of Martha, they were incredible look a like.

"Aunt, This is my wife Eleonora. Eleonora this is Aunt Mary, Uncle Pete, Isaac, Fēn and little Li " Blaze introduced, I kissed everyone and we sat down to talk with each other.

"So tell me Eleonora how did you think that varying my nephew was a solid choice?" she questioned making me laugh. I sensed Blaze death glares and I tried to not laugh but how could I? "I know he is a bit of a workaholic. Never had the time to see his own aunt" she explain, I laughed to myself... His own aunt? He doesn't even have the time see his own mother...

"I am sorry, you know I am busy-

"Busy yes yes I know" she said with a sweet smile, that's smile reminded me of the first time I had met Martha. Were they twins?

"So how did you manage to keep such a pretty woman?" Peter asked Blaze

He looked at me for an instance and I was suddenly curious for his answer, I tilted my head curious for this outcome.

"Trying everything to make her happy is the goal" he answered making his uncle laugh

"Ah good man" Peter said while tapping his back. Next to me was Fēn, she was a very pretty woman her skin looked like it was made of glass, it shined so much and it looked like she was wearing no make-up too.

She was quietly talking with Isaac and looking over Li who was sleeping in the stroller in the middle of them.

"You could've told us about the weeding Blaze" his Aunt said " I would like to at least congratulate you and give you a present"

"I'm sorry aunt, everything was a bit chaotic" he said, I saw his aunt sad smile. You could see how sad she was for not participating in his nephew big day.

"Dont worry about it, it wasn't something we cared much about" I said referring to our wedding day " it was something very luxurious since Blaze is a celebrity. It was more of a public event than a wedding" I spoke thru fully, she seemed shocked but understood my words

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