57 | 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞

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"You are so stubborn you can't simply understand my words" he claimed

"Oh now I am at fault?"

"I am so sorry if I can't deal with a problem that is yours"

"She is not my problem or yours-"

"She is your problem... Your ex-girlfriend. Deal with her"

"I don't even know why she appeared"

"Because she was with you"

"She wasn't"

"At least if you're going to cheat, cheat in a smart way"

"I did not cheat!"

"Why the hell she appeared with your coat? And a bouquet of flowers?"

"I don't know how she got my coat and the flowers-" he looked over and the white Camellias on the kitchen counter, he gulped and bowed his head down not ready to tell me or explain me, or give me a small detail.

He could just say, it's because of my long lost love, or my hamster who died, someone important, something I didn't get, something I lost! I don't need to know the whole thing I just want something good enough to tell Sarah I know.

I am his god damn wife and that woman knows more about him than I do. I am an actress on this marriage but if I am doing it I am doing it right and thanks to Blaze here I am failing miserably. Our luck is that Sarah is dumb and full of herself otherwise she would have doubt our marriage.

"You don't know anything do you?"

"You are not listening to me" he said while following me through the house "I don't know why she was here, why she claims to tell you she knows about my life, and why she borough the coat. But I am telling I was not with her that day!"

"You don't know why she comes here? Do you want me to draw a picture explaining it to you?" I said sarcastically "how dumb can you be? She does this because she clearly has unresolved feelings for you but that's not my problem... my problem is if she stops being stupid for a day and joins one and one and finds out it equals two meaning our marriage is fake"

"She does not like me she is married to my brother... and she won't find out, it's impossible"

"Marrying your brother will make her not have feelings for you? Wake up Blaze! She wanted so bad for you to be at their wedding maybe in hopes you would say something at the 'speak something or forever hold your peace' part." I said thinking of the amount of requests for us to be present "she won't find out because she is way to busy thinking she is superior than me, your own wife. As long as she thinks I don't really know you she will be happy but eventually that happiness won't satiate for long"

"She does not have any feelings for me because she traded me for my own brother" he explained. Well that's new, Sarah clearly as still feelings for Blaze, if she doesn't, why would she dedicate her life on torturing me and him? Trading Blaze for Damien can purely mean nothing I have noticed she is a bit cuckoo...

"That doesn't matter... Why would she be so interested in making you go to the freaking wedding and telling me how I don't know you over and over again? Join the dots Blaze!" I said in an obvious tone

"She won't find about us and she doesn't like me" he stated

"Whatever it makes you happy. But you're being the stubborn one here... You can't see the facts"

"There's no facts and she won't be a problem anymore. "

"Really how are you going to do that? Are going on a romantic escape with her? Because that way she would be so happy she could actually forget our clear fake weeding!" I fired back

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