15 | 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐩𝐭.1

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-Blaze -

I gave a tired sigh while Connor kept talking about the case of the Bourbon Wine their name would be officially disconnected to ours in mere months and I still am unsure on what to do about it.

"Mr. Brocotta hasn't gave any explanations on his departure. I kept sending emails like you said, sir, but it's the same reply over and over again"    Connor notified me as I watched the elevator floor sign change.

"I will get every single document and records that have the minimum who has the slightest relationship with Bourbon" I said, the elevator rang telling I had reached home. The doors opened and an appetizing scent invaded the small place, I stepped in taking my shoes and leaving them aside I put my blue slippers on and took a look at the kitchen, I saw Eleonora and Dorothy laughing while making dinner. I may have stayed too long looking at them because she caught my eyes.

"You're home" she noted, Dorothy quickly looked in my way waving her hand

"Good evening sir! How was your day?" Dorothy asked

"It was fine Mr.Davis thanks for asking" I said, I looked at Connor again standing in front of the elevator

"I will come back shortly stay there so I can give you those papers Ijust mentioned" he nodded in agreement and I quicklywalked to the hallway to get in my office


"I did told you Miss... He always says It was a fine day. Never changes" Dorothy whispered

"Well he is good at his job we have to give him that" said decorating the Banana Slip

She gave a frustrated sigh while she was mixing the spaghetti "His days are so monotone that it saddens me"

"I guess his work is like that" I defended him though I could see Dorothy was really worried about his work life

"Since you married him it's the first time that I am seeing some change around this house" she comented making me laugh

"It's good to know that I changed something"

"You did believe me Miss. I wouldn't have imagined making food for more than one person in this house"  she said while giggling, we were being a bit too loud and I shushed her while laughing we both took a look at the confused Connor near the elevator

"We need to be quiet we are scaring the boy" Dorothy said

"He isn't that easy to scare, he is very well trained" I mentioned she gave me a weird look not really understanding what I said

"I don't know about that but he is indeed a cute boy"  I looked at him after her commented and I tilted my head analyzing him, he was actually cute. He was a tall brunette with round glasses, his face was sharp and he had a detailed jawline not much detailed as Blaze's but he had something there, his eyes were a dark blue and his lips were thin, but in general everything in his face matched. I raised an eyebrow in realization, Connor is attractive.

"He is attractive" I realized making Dorothy nod

"It's a shame he is always so caught up with work! If he continues like that he will end up alone, like I taught Mr.Maxwell would end but thank heavens you appeared Miss" she declared giving me a quick side hug

"He surely lacks social skills too," I said to myself "do you think he is single?" I asked Dorothy

"Mostly certainly yes, Miss. He is always working, and Mr.Maxwell isn't easy on him since he is the only one he relies on and trusts." she explained

I smiled when a perfect idea reached my mind. I rapidly walked to Connor making him surprised.

"Hello Connor"

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