45 | 𝐙𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫

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He got in the room and I followed after taking in every inch of the room. It was very cozy, woody and had that luxury to it. I liked it a lot.

The bed called for me, that plain sheets and that white wool blanket... And the weird ceiling.

"Hum- nice" I heard Blaze say to himself

"Altough that ceiling looks like it's going to eat us in our sleep... "He looked at me with an unamused expression making me through my shoulders "It's better than weird-looking babies with wings" I stated making him give a weak snort

"I forgot how funny this weekend could be..." he commented while placing his wallet and glasses over the bedside table

"Why do you say that?" I asked while sitting at the cozy chair near the window

"With your overly exaggerated sarcasm all the time and my reputation of the most hatred person in here, it's impossible to not spend a good time" he said with atone of amusement in his words

"I thought you hated this idea of coming here"

"Don't get me wrong, I do... but we have to be positive " he said taking his coat and laying it over the bed

"Positive... What happened to you?" I questioned looking at him

"What?" he questioned catching my eyes

"It's the cold affecting you?" I joked

"I could ask you the same" He stated I furrowed my eyebrows trying to understand what he was talking about but I was interrupted by a knock on the door "Yes?"

"Your bags, sir" We heard from the other side of the door

"Come in" Blaze said while walking to the door and opening it allowing the two bellhops to carry our bags inside "Thank you"

" The information " One of the bellhops whispered to the other while bumping his elbow as if reminding his colleague of something, he had a funny Spanish accent and looked like Robert Schneider, you know that guy form Hot Chick? Yeah that's him...

"oh right" the blonde bellhop remembered "The rehearsal will start around 6 on the church which is pretty close by, you can see it on those maps over your bedside tables and the dinner will be the salon B downstairs."

"Thank you" Blaze said while accompanying them to the door. I groaned in annoyance thinking about everything I had to do which included a bath and getting ready for the rehearsal, my problem is what to dress... I brought some stuff but I am still a bit indecisive over it.

"Why do you have so many bags?" He asked while searching for his

"I was having trouble deciding what to bring to dress"

"I see" He took his bag and walked to the bathroom "I am taking a bath first, you take too much time"

I gasped offended "I do not!"

"You do...by the way get ready so when I leave you can hurry up...I would like to arrive on time" He commented from inside the bathroom

"Yeah? So you better hurry up too!" I shouted while he closed the door on me

Now the question is "What to dress?" I said to myself getting uo of the chair and opening my bags. The thing is I want to go as much me as I can, last time I tried to look good for his family and I was suddenly regretting it, I need to be myself and be comfortable the most comfortable I can get plus it never seemed a problem to Blaze the way I dress, to every event we went to he never said a word, besides that time we went to his parents house... I guess he understood I wasn't really on my element.

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