100 | Out of love

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Ell's dad ⇡

Blaze pov

I was looking at the computer and analyzing the data I had and comparing it to the one on the files that I had in my hand. I was bored, and I was pretty tired, and honestly, this wasn't normal. I am a pretty workaholic. My life was at work, but now everything seems to have changed. I am bored at work, but I feel thrilled just thinking about home, and for some reason, I feel it even more today. I just want us to cook dinner and I just want to be with her.

Honestly, this work today is just boring. I was seeing Connor getting in and out of my office, people talking about the dozens of reunions that I had to do today, and I just felt hopeless. It was still noon, and I was bored. I think I felt this mainly because of her.

She usually kisses me in the elevator and says 'Have a great day', and she didn't kiss me nor did she wish me a good day so... I bet, I bet 100%, and all of my money that all of this happen the way it did because of that kiss that she didn't give me.

She didn't kiss me because we may or may not had a small discussion on our way to work because she takes so long to get ready in the morning. We eventually ended our little fight but as a way of rivalry she simply decided to not kiss me, to see me suffer, the question is how long would she handle without my kiss?

I pouted at that thought...what if she never comes up because she can't handle a day in her life without a kiss of mine? What would that mean to me?.. It meant that I was in big deep trouble because I couldn't get over a day without a kiss of hers, well I can go a day without it but I might go completely insane.

I was deeply in though when I was disturbed by the doors of my office opening with no previous introduction or knock making me smirk.

"I knew she couldn't get a day without it" I murmured to myself as I watched her close the doors

"What are you whispering on about?" she asked now looking at me

"Nothing" she tilted her head wondering what was going on but she quickly shook it ignoring, probably because she seemed in a hurry "I just came to say I am leaving"

I frowned at her words "Leaving?"

"It's my parent's 25th anniversary remember?" she recalled me making me think of our previous conversation about this, she didn't in fact say much she just say it was their birthday an thy did something small the three of them. Yes, the would celebrate their weeding anniversary with a simple lunch with their daughter in the usual restaurant. Pretty boring if you ask me.

"Are they really just eating with you on their birthday?"

"I guess so... I think they just do it because it has became a habit of theirs. It was like I told you... back in the day a couple of years ago they used to leave me with Nana or my aunties to spend the weekend in Venice, but I guess that was the time they were still in love." she commented with a sad face

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" I asked. She nodded a no with her head while plastering a smile onto her beautiful face

"No, it's fine. My parents would kill you. "

I was about to beg her for a kiss after she left but the phone interrupted my queue. I picked it up while looking at her "Maxwell Corporation, Blaze Maxwell talking-"

"I know you both work but it's already 12:30 aren't you suppose to be at the restaurant already" I heard a very familiar voice, and I thought to myself how did she get my office's number?

"I'm leaving" Elleonora mouthed as she came closer to me to give me a kiss on the cheek

"I don't think so" I whispered

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