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Elleonora pov

I was just finishing my skin care routine when I kept hearing Blaze changing the TV channel "Not one single good movie" he said as I rolled my eyes at his pickiness.

"You're just way too picky" I commented

"No, I'm not" he fired back making me roll my eyes again. I ignored him and kept on with my skin routine. Tomorrow was a big day my baby boy, my little cute nephew was getting a year older... 6 years can you believe that?

Sadly, summer is almost ending, last weekend we went to Greece. Blaze said that I needed to unwind my mind after that lunch with my parents, that lunch that in fact never happened the food didn't even reach our table. It was complete misery, I cried for the whole week and Blaze saw how sad I was so he thought of making me temporally forget my parents' drama and near divorce.

I started to brush my teeth with the face mask on and I kept thinking.

I can't comprehend how he is so good at this, at being with me. He is so kind and sweet, it's impossible to not keep on liking him more every day that goes by. But with all of this of my parents, I can't lie, the fear of ending up like them as crossed my mind, although Blaze and I are super different of my parents its impossible for my to not think of that possibility since I grow up watching my parents so in love and now they look like they can't stand each other for more then 5 minutes.

Maybe 5 minutes is too much?

"BABE!" I heard Blaze scream making my train of thoughts derail

"WHA?" I said with the toothbrush on my mouth, he didn't respond so I walked to the bedroom, he wasn't there... weird. I walked to the big closet to find him quickly getting dressed.

"What happened?" I said with the mint toothpaste on my mouth

"Something important get dressed" he said while dressing some grey sweatpants and a white pretty tight t-shirt

"Damn" I said while watching how good he looked in workout suit

"You look so cute" he said coming near me and taking off my face mask "Go get dressed though"

"why? We're we going? " I questioned while quickly running to the bathroom "Oh it's burning" I said as I spat the toothpaste to the sink

"Get dressed first" he mentioned, I frowned at his nonplausible answers and took off my pajama changing it to something more comfortable, some flare leggings and a sweater.

"I don't know where we going but you're not going like that" I said while tying my hair into a ponytail

He looked down at his clothes probably wondering what was so bad with it "I can see your abs from 10 miles away. Grab a jacket or a sweater " he laughed at my words when shaking the sweater he held in his

"I am prepared... though i love this jealous side of you" he teased making me roll my eyes. We left the house in a urge and once inside the car I questioned him again

"Are you finally telling me where we are going?"

"to the Uncle Joel's " he said making my heart clutch in pain and worry

"Why? Oh my god. What happened? "

"Uncle Joel called you while you were on the bathroom and I took it..."

"And? What happened? Is he okay? Oh my Jesus Lord."

"Your cousin is having early contractions, they might be Braxton Hucks Contractions but they wanted me to come since their doctor is away this week" He explained making my heart pound super fast

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