65 | 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲

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It was now March and everything around my office was chaotic, the lingerie sales were going crazy, and we were having more consumers than we previously planned. I was now studying people's comments on the media and journal critics about the pieces, we were planning on expanding the collection making it better and new so I needed to take a few ideas of what people liked and what they didn't.

You can say that we were having a lot of work but it wasn't boring work, everyone in the department looked happy to be a part of this but no one was more excited than me. I was so thrilled that this worked.

I was working on my computer extremely focused when the phone rang. "Yes, Miles?" I said after picking it up

"Your mom is on line 3" he informed

"Ok. Thank you"

"No welcome, babes" he said while I pressed the number 3

"Eleonora how are you?"

"I am good mom"

"You haven't called me in 4 days and I get worried. What happened?" She asked worry on her tone. With all of this work mess I forgot to call my mom .

"Working ma" I informed making her groan

"Is Blaze-"

"No mom he is not making me work. I am working because I need and want to work"

"You are getting just like your father" she claimed frustrated

"I don't know how to feel about that"

"You are getting soft" she claimed making enroll my eyes "you know what that means... You are starting to befriend him"

"Mom... Don't you have things to do? "

"I should... Shouldn't I? But I guess I worry too much with my daughter who doesn't say a word for 4 days"

"You are so dramatic" I rolled my eyes while listening to her mumbling

"I am latina!" she said proudly "not dramatic..."

"Great. Now that you know I am fine can I go back to working"

"Well of course... Can you do anything but that?" she teased "Oh! I talked to your Nana"

A sudden fear reached my chest "What happened?"

"She wants Easter to be at your place" my mom

"No way mom. I am not doing Easter there is one of the most complicated holidays to do!" I goraned in frustration

"It's not really your call honey" My mom said from the other side of the line making me roll my eyes "Bye bye honey love you" she said hanging out the phone on me

Incredible. She hang out on my face. She only called to tell me about Easter... Oh I hate to plan Easter is such a complicated holiday because there's nothing to expect. On Christmas there's presents and turkey and Easter is so vague...usually when my grandpa was around we had the tradition of Egg hunting, now we just... Eat and talk. Nothing more to do.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. "Come in"

"Hey boss"Miles appeared into my view opening the door "The flowers you told me to send are here" he said placingas colorful bouquet on my desk "I presume they are special since you told me to do this 2 weeks ago"

"When is Easter? " I asked intrigued not really paying attention to what he was saying

"Easter?" he thought, he quickly looked at the small black book he carried "April 9th"

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