44 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥

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October quickly ended and November came with cold weather and beautiful snow. Blaze and I, have been... how can I say this, normal? Within our patterns of normal, our last discussion in my office was... curious.

I was trying to understand his curiosity about my whereabouts, in his sudden seemly caring about me. While he was interested to know my acts of discomfort to his kindness ones as he proclaimed.

Moreover, it ended up pretty nicely, he didn't make any more fuss about it and simply gave in. He said to forget. How will I forget the only time Blaze Maxwell was nice to me without having anything in exchange? I was curious and determined to find out why he was being nice that day, I seriously was, but he was so stern and cold at the end of our discussion that I decided to forget it as he said.

I let myself forget about it, it has been two weeks and look at me... all forgetful. Let's just pass it over you know?

In general, it has been peaceful. We eat breakfast together and each one takes their ride to work, I get home, I have dinner and I go to sleep. I only seem him in the morning and sometimes in reunions at work. In these two weeks Blaze has managed to prioritize Bourbon wine marketing, so we are basically working as a team as much as we can. The product will launch soon thanks to Blaze efforts of prioritizing my ideas, everyone is working as a team and it's going pretty well, not to mention that Alfonso and Blanca love the idea and are thrilled for the launching of the new special edition of wine dedicated to their son.

In conclusion, it has been tough but pleasantly nice, since people are working together with the same eagerness and content about the new product... but good things end quickly don't they?

Turns out I have much more important things to worry about...why you ask? Well... because it's November and what does that mean?

Sarah and Damien are getting married ... that's right. I thought it was a simple rich wedding turns out it was much more complex than I was hoping for. These two had managed to make a two-day wedding kind of thing, ruining my whole weekend... Thanks for that by the way.

The plan is... Saturday will be the rehearsal dinner and church entry, I didn't know people still did that. How difficult can it be? You just have to walk into the church say 'yes I do' and leave, I know that because I eventually ended up doing so, and I was obligated so imagine them... they are marrying by free will, why the hell do they need rehearsals?

Honestly, at this point, I think they just like to spend money. Blaze said it was to show themselves to others, by that he means the rest of the family. this long-hour trip to their wedding location with Blaze has been more like a before-exam class. The Subject? All about the Keller's family tree and their rich habits. I am possibly taking a B+, I am feeling confident.

I understood that Blaze's family is sort of like a rich community of neighbors, that are desperately trying to be better than everyone. Instead of buying new furniture, they have sons with degrees to brag about, instead of block parties they have birthdays and weddings to suprass each other. It's all about who's best and who's the richest, the family tree is big, he has a lot of cousins and all of them are not fans of him, I guess it comes from his inheritance of the farm. They were more than happy when Blaze dissociated the surname Keller from his name and used Maxwell instead. Seems toxic to me. I guess they are not my kind of people.

"So is there anyone that likes you?" I asked curiously to Blaze while waiting to arrive at our destination. The rich wanted to marry in the snow, I don't know if that is some fetish or if it's romantic... or for historic reasons.

"Aunt Mary? Oh and great-aunt Grace" He answered while driving through the snowy mountains

"Who is that?" I questioned while looking at the files he handed me at the beginning of our trip. Do you think he wouldn't do more biography files? he did, more than one hundred of them, they weren't that elaborate just a quick description and photos of the people would certainly appear. I tried to look for Grace. The nice aunt.

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