104 | A Different Birthday

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Elleonora pov

"The stove!"

"Take it out !"

"The pasta is ready!"

"The potatoes need salt!"

I was living a complete chaos and that meant...of course that I was with my family. Remember how I kind of owed my mom for her trying not to recall anything I said that day or at least not tell anyone?

Yeah... she did had a weird specific wish that I needed to grant her. It was difficult to realize I tell you that but eventually everything came according to the plan.

My mother's wish was a birthday party at my house. A birthday party to who, you ask...


"Blaze...darling maybe you should put more wood on the fireplace" Nana advised

It was his birthday and he hates to celebrates them I learned that last year, so I wasn't thinking on doing anything big today but my mother's wish appeared and I had to somehow make it happen.

I told him it was my mom's plan, and he quickly said yes. He asked me why would she want something like that but I couldn't answer that cause I didn't know I was completely clueless around my mother's weird wish. Maybe she wants to poison him or something alongside my dad.

Talking of which, for some reason they are extremely annoying today but in a different way of the previous ones. They are like two teenagers in love, Dad is always calling for her and kissing her and my mother is always smiling and getting Dad things for him to taste. They are living like they are a happy married couple. I wonder if they are doing this just because of Nana or me?!

"ELENA THE RICE!" Nana shouted waking me up from my thoughts, I quickly went to the stove to see the rice. I breathed in release after seeing it was okay, I stirred it up a bit and I turned the stove off.

"Is everything ready there?" I asked as I saw my aunties and my mom cooking together

"You can call them to the table" my mom advised

"EVERYONE, Dinner is ready" I exclaimed and since we were talking about food the Vargas family couldn't help but oblie to my order.

They sat down on their respective seats and I started placing the entries on the table, some toasts, cheese, pâté, chorizo, bread and olives.

Blaze saw me preparing the table and helped too by placing the bowls of salad in each part of the table. I think this is the first time this table was stretched and its being filled completely.

"Hey...I need you to come with me" Blaze whispered in my ear while grabbing my waist as I placed the food on the table.

"Ok... just a minute" I said while finishing what I was doing, he grabbed my hand as soon as I was done and lead me through the kitchen into our winery.

"Oh... you wanted help to choose a wine?" I realized "I'm not sure I'm the best choice for that. I'll drink everything that you place on the table" I said shrugging my shoulders making him laugh.

He laied his back on the wall as he looked at me, I tilted my head trying to understand him but he caught me by surprise when his hand held my waist and effortlessly scoot me over closer to him.

"I just wanted to kiss you" he whispered while his thumb played with my mouth and the rest of his hand rested on my cheek.

"Oh I see..." I smiled at his cuteness "But I don't know if I feel like it" I teased

He pouted in such a cute way that u couldn't help but chuckle "But I'm the birthday boy today" he said with puppy eyes, I can't believe this grown man, the one I though that was a cold and emotionless bastard is right now in front of me with a pout and puppy eyes begging me for a kiss "don't I deserve kisses? This is like the day I can't have all I want... and I want a kiss"

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