112 | New Life

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Elleonora's PoV:

"C'mon it's been months it's almost your birthday you need to buy something and celebrate" Julia commented

"I don't feel like it, plus I have work to do" I said pointing at the dozen of papers over my desk. Since the company I have been trying to pass it over to my dad by signing a couple of documents but I have also helped my dad out with some things mostly I was rather curious on how the numbers increased so drastically since my marriage.

"Malory is 7 months old I can finally leave for some time. I can drink for real and maybe get a bit stoned" Julia said making me and Diana laugh.

After I divorced Blaze the news was filled with our shocking divorce, I barely had time to tell the family. They never asked directly what happened and my mother never let me too. My Nana on the other side blamed me at first but my mom defended me and Nana never spoke to me again about Blaze. Everyone thought that I was like a porcelain doll if I heard Blaze's name I would fall or break, silly of them I was already broken.

Time is indeed a nice help; it doesn't make the pain go away but makes it bearable daily. I must thank him at the end of the day I didn't not know what love was until I met him and also didn't know the pain of a broken heart.

I am trying to be better for others, I forgot about myself a long time ago. I planned some goals and dreams for now on. I plan on gaining more money with the casinos alongside my dad so we can buy my mom a small bakery shop. Since she and Dad made a truce she has been baking again which leaves Dad ecstatic. Honestly, right now, I only care about them and my family the most.

I haven't seen or had any news about Blaze Maxwell in 4 months since I signed the papers and we divorced, he completely disappeared from me and for all of my family, he even refused to see Charlie and Malory which surprised me. I haven't had any contact with Louis or Jada either.

It sort of feels like these two years were a pure illusion, a mere production of my mind, I imagined I had married a rich CEO and suddenly I woke up.

"It's true though. It's your birthday cous, we need to do something" Diana said, I took a deep breath at their persistence

" I really don't feel like it"

"It's in one week! I am sure Miles and Jen want you to celebrate and Nana will make sure of that too" Julia commented

"Never miss a birthday after Quinceañera " The both said at the same time making me chuckle, that's what our Nana always says. Birthdays are important and they represent another year of growth and lessons learned and the opportunity to pause, reflect, and appreciate all that we are and have been it's also the only day of the year that you can claim to be the most important person because it's your day.

"Maybe a family dinner" I proposed

"It's your birthday not Christmas" Diana said

"We should rent a party venue" Julia propose

"It's not my Quinceañera either"

"Oh wait!! I might know a guy for a rooftop garden party" Daina said happily checking her phone

"God... you don't give up" I mentioned

"We are Vargas women" Julia smiled

"True" I smiled back

My cousins tried everything to make a party for me and they sort of succeeded even against my wishes, Miles and Jenny helped them and so did my mom who wanted desperately for me to go out, she kept on telling me to go on dates so I kind of covered back saying I was seeing someone ... guess who?

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