71 | 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥

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- Blaze -

Easter was a success, everyone loved the egg-hunting game return, especially Charlie who never had such a thing, I am proud to make the little guy happy although Eleonora kept rambling about how I didn't tell her anything and I always hide things... I simply ignored her that day.

April arrived with extreme problems on the LA side coast casino which Mr.Hart was supposedly taking care of, but it seems he is having some difficulties keeping the casino alive, I have provided him with a rigorous plan to recover from his debt, I hope he is following it dot by dot although this descent of 5% in the daily overall net profit is abnormal and not included in my plan.

If the percentages rise to 10% I shall take risky measures that Mr.Hart will not like but I need to protect my income in the safest way. I have reached this high because I do not take risks, I don't allow failures or weakness, and right now Mr.Hart is not only a weakness to himself but also to me since those casinos are also under my name. If... ever, reaches that high stake decision, and I have to deal with Mr. Hart with my own hands I will also have to deal with Eleonora, maybe tell her what her dad is really doing under their family name and their casinos.

My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on my office door, which I perfectly knew who it was.

~Knock knock~

"Connor, come in" I allowed examining the door handle moving downwards. Connor stepped in the office while bowing his head in a greeting gesture

"I am sorry to bother you,sir" Connor started, his face signaled preoccupation "but there's an abnormal situation happening downstairs"

"Abnormal?" I asked curious

Connor nodded "Mrs. Johansson downstairs in reception called me due to an unknown individual that she had never seen before"


"Refuses to give,sir" Connor explained. If he refuses to give his name how does he except to enter ?

"What does this individual want?" I asked grabbing the black telephone and dialing to call reception downstairs

"He claims he needs to see Mrs.Maxwell"

"Mrs.Maxwell?" I asked raising an eyebrow while Connor nodded. I placed the phone near my ear and Mrs.Johansson was already greeting me.

"Good afternoon Mrs.Maxwell" the receptionist said through the phone

"Hello Mrs. Johansson, please give me access to all the cameras on the reception hall" I asked

"Right away sir" I placed the phone down and opened the security cameras application on my computer, I placed the code for the downstairs cameras and analyzed the images.

I roamed around to all the faces downstairs, I knew every single one of them, were they on the balcony, cleaning or even working as security. I knew every single person that worked on this building, and even those who collaborated with us, there isn't a single face that crosses the entry door that I don't know.

The policies of the Maxwell building are very simple and easy, if the face is unknow and the name doesn't match the files, waiting list or agenda, then that person isn't allowed to come upstairs. It may seem extreme but it's the way I keep the building secure, my staff downstairs has no permission to let in and unknown face and name.

"I don't see any strange face" I told Connor while analyzing the different camera images

"But sir I am sure about it" Connor claimed. The man isn't here now for sure but maybe he was before, like Connor claims, so let's rewind a few minutes.

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