Injured And In Love - Connor McDavid

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Edited 01/30/2024

Connor and Angela have been best friends for as long as they can remember. He used to play hockey with the girl's older brother back when we they were in U11. The two met at a hockey party that year for the team once they won a championship. When they were playing mini sticks against each other in the basement, they clicked together like pieces to a puzzle. 

There's one problem, however. She's started to develop some sort of..feelings? But not the platonic kind.

Angela is pretty damn sure that Connor doesn't like her back, though. Obviously he thinks of her as a sister of some sorts. I mean, he has known her for, like, ten years?

But for tonight, and only tonight, she pushed those thoughts out of her mind to focus on the situation at hand. At the moment, and probably for a while from then, he was playing with the Edmonton Oilers. While she goes to the University of Calgary. 

That was her dream university, okay? She ain't changing just because her stupid crush plays for the stupid Edmonton Oilers.

Anyways, tonight is the infamous Battle of Alberta at the Scotiabank Saddledome. So, of course, Angela bought a ticket to go. Just to mess with him, she decided to wear her Wolf jersey over the McDavid jersey he bought and signed for her. 

Angela left her small apartment in downtown Calgary, beginning the fifteen minute drive to the 'Dome. Knowing Calgary, traffic would get pretty bad during Flames games, especially when the Oilers are in town. 

Twenty minutes later

The fifteen minute drive quickly turned into twenty minutes with how backed up the downtown traffic was. Anyway, Angela was now sitting down at her glass seat down on the Oilers' side, which could be evil considering the Flames jersey over her hoodie, but who cares?

All the Oilers fans, but whatever.

Warm ups started and each teams' players came skating onto the ice. Music was blaring throughout the old speakers, children were standing down at the ice with signs cheering on their favourite players. When the Connor McDavid skated by, the kids went insane. But his attention turned to Angela, a shit eating grin sat on his face.

Only said shit eating grin faltered when he saw what she was wearing.

He pointed at the jersey with a raised eyebrow. The only thing she did in response was shrug. Skating over to her, he glared at her roughly. If looks could kill, the fake Flames fan would be six feet under.

"What are you wearing over there, Angie?" Connor asked, trying to hide the annoyance in his tone.

"I live in Calgary!" She shrugged.

"But I'm your bestfriend!"

It felt like someone had shot her in the gut when he said that, but she pushed past it and threw on a smile.

"But it's my city!" The girl continued on.

A frown formed on Connor's face, bringing a laugh out of Angela. Kids all around them stared in shock.

"I hate you!" Connor jokingly shouted.

"No you don't."







"No- I mean- shit!" He groaned out when he noticed what she did.

The girl waved him off, silently telling him to go continue warmup with his team. He shook his head with a smile, before skating off.

Third period

By the time the third period rolled around, the Oilers were up 4-3, and Connor gained two goals. He was playing incredibly well, but this is when the game gets dirty. The losing team is desperate and angry.

There were penalties everywhere, once in this period it got down to three-on-three. It was currently five-on-four right now, with Edmonton on the power play. 

Without anyone on the ice noticing, Elias Lindholm showed up behind Connor and hit him into the boards extremely hard, making Connor fall to the ice in pain. The refs didn't blow the whistle for some reason until an offside happened, luckily. The trainers from both sides ran out as Connor wasn't moving.

It all happened right in front of Angela.

Ten minutes later

Connor hadn't responded in about ten minutes, so they called out medics to take him on a stretcher. Lindholm didn't get a penalty since the refs didn't see. 


Anyway, Angela almost immediately grabbed her things and headed to South Health Campus. When she arrived, she ran in and went to the front desk.

"Is Connor McDavid here?" She asked desperately. The receptionist looked up and gave her a look.

"If you think I'd let just anyone go down to an NHL superstar's room-"

"He's my best friend." She added.

The receptionist sighed. "Second floor, fifth door on the left. Room 275."

After quickly thanking her, she ran up stairs, not having the patience for the elevator, and ran to room 275. 

When Angela opened the door, she was met with a very much awake Connor who was eating Jell-O and watching a random hockey game. The girl started laughing so much she fell to the floor, holding her stomach for dear life as if she was suffocating.

"Stop laughing at me." He frowned. "If anything I should be laughing at you. Look at that jersey. Too much of a headache though."

She apologized, insincerely, and walked up to him. The man child smiled like a kid in a candy store. It was adorable.

No. Stop it, Angela. He doesn't like you like that.

Without noticing, Connor wrapped his hands around Angela's waist and pulled her beside him, laying his head on her chest. This was always something he would do when he wasn't feeling good or just wanted comfort.

She gently ran her fingers through his hair, earning a hum of approval. It was only when he said 3 word that she froze of shock and happiness. 

"I love you."

To say she was shocked would be an understatement. But without thinking, she kissed him. She fucking kissed him. Right when she was going to pull back when he didn't kiss back, he pulled her head back down and kissed her again.

When the two finally pulled away, she sent him a smile. "I love you too, McJesus." The girl taunted him with a big grin.

In response, he groaned. 

"Are you sure you love me?" Angela questioned, suddenly getting a wave of doubt.

What if he doesn't actually love me? What if he's messing with me?

"Of course I do."

The girl smiled once more and kissed him again. This time, when they pulled away, he spoke.

"Now will you finally take that ugly ass jersey off?"


First imagine on this book!

What do you guys think?

Anyone looking at this when they originally read it before editing, I didn't like the title so I changed this haha

WC: 1085

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