Puck Bunnies And Comments - Hughes Family

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This one is with Alexis instead of Sky guys I'm sorryyy

"I hate people." Alex cried into Luke's shoulder as he tried to quiet her cries. 

He had just gotten home from the gym to find his sister sobbing on the couch, phone turned off in hand with no notifications to show what triggered this. The first thought in his mind, of course, was to be the older brother he is and comfort his crying sister. So that's what he did.

"Shh, Alex." He hushed her softly. "What happened?" The slightly older twin asked her cautiously.

The younger twin pulled her phone into her hand and opened it to Instagram, handing him the lit up device. The boy's eyes widened at the comments on the New Jersey Devils interview post with non other than Alexis Hughes. How had he not seen them before?

Post Comments:

@user40147: ugh what is she doing here?!

@user02474: just because she's a Hughes doesn't mean she's any good

@user68285: she literally doesn't do anything lol

load more..


Luke's eyes saddened at the comments under the video. Alexis curled further into the comfort of her brother's arms. She's not normally like this, she's normally a closed off don't touch me person, so her brother was extremely concerned.

"I'm just gonna go to my room." Alex sniffled, standing up and walking to her room without her phone.

Luke sighed loudly once he heard her door close. His hands dug into his face as his mind swarmed with thoughts on what he could possibly do. Out of the 20 years that he has known his sister, maybe once or twice has he ever seen her break down like that. He was so out of it he didn't hear his older brother walk into an apartment and didn't notice him until Jack placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I saw the comments." Jack mumbled as Luke opened his mouth. He came around the couch and sat beside the taller Hughes. "God, what the fuck is wrong with people?" He stated with a very bitter tone. The older Hughes's words were all laced with venom.

"She was a mess, Jack." Luke told his brother with a sad voice. "Completely broke down. Last time I saw her like that was five years ago when her boyfriend cheated on her." He sighed.

Tears pricked both of their eyes at the thought of their little sister locked in her room, crying her heart out because of dumb puck bunnies on social media. Alex has had to deal with hate her entire hockey career, but nothing like a big dump all over her at once.

The two brothers were feeling two different emotions. Once brother, Luke, was feeling like he should have followed his sister to that room. He's her twin brother, she's his other half, she's been there through everything with him, and he couldn't even help with this one thing? Jack, on the other can felt like he had failed his sister, like he should have been able to do more about the situation.

Without warning, Luke stood up and walked down the short hall to Alexis's bedroom and walked in slowly, shutting the door behind him. Jack stayed on the couch to give the twins some space. The first thing he did was text Carla.

She told him that the most he can do for now is to be with his sister or reply to some of those comments. Since Luke is having twin time with her, they left to to go to the Flying Squirrel, he decided to reply to some haters. He commented how they wish they had made it as far as she has, and how they're just jealous of her success.

A few hours later, Jack was laying on the couch watching the Canadiens v Ducks game on TV. The two twins had just gotten home, Luke going to his room to have a nap. But Alexis walked into the living room. Jack looked up and smiled at her. In return, she walked over to her older brother and laid down beside him, hugging him tight. Obviously he was shocked, but hugged her back equally as tight. She only whispered two words.

"Thank you."



Sky will be back whenever I write another Hughes brother imagine I promise. I haven't added her anywhere recently lol. Quinn will also one day be added into these again

BUT TWO UPDATES FROM ME IN ONE DAY Y'ALL? BLESSED. Totally didn't forget my homework at school so now I'm stress Wattpading-


WC: 747

Hockey ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora