Baby's First Game - Wyatt Johnston

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Me and Wyatt had a daughter, Ava, at 18. Yes we were young, but we didn't care. We love her with all our heart. Wyatt has a game today, so we're surprising him there. I dressed Ava in her little jersey that says "Lil Johnston" on the back. It's the black and neon green one.

Me and Wyatt are both from Toronto, so we don't wear shoes in the house because it's kind of weird no offense. Like, why where shoes inside if it just gets the floors dirty? Anyways, I put on a pair of ripped baggy jeans, a black hoodie, and my WAG jacket we got for playoffs.

"You ready baby?" I asked Ava while kneeling down to help her with her twinkle toes. Yes, she has twinkle toes because those were THE shoes when I was ages 1-6. 

"I can't wait to see daddy!" She exclaimed. I smiled at her excitement. After putting on her shoes, I grabbed my converse and put them on. Grabbing my keys, phone, and pass to get down to the lockers and ice area, we left.

"What song do you want to listen to?" I asked Ava. I saw a mischievous look come across her face and I started regretting my decision on asking her.

"Let it go!" Immaculate song choice, Ava. 

*Arena, warmies*

Me and Ava were at our seats by the glass when the players started coming out. Wyatt was one of the last and he was stretching across from us. Tyler Seguin went over to him and pointed towards us. Wyatt's face lit up and he skated over to us.

"What are you doing here?" He exclaimed. I put Ava up to the glass and she started giggling. Her and my boyfriend started messing around and before he knew it, there was only 10 minutes left in warmups.

"Love." I said. Wyatt didn't hear. "Babe." Again, didn't listen. "Wyatt." I saw his eyes glance at me for a second but he went back to our daughter. "Wyatt Johnston!" I exclaimed. He looked at me with fear. "Finally, Jesus."

"Am I in trouble?" He asked cautiously. 

"You will be if you don't go warm up." I said, pointing towards the clock. The brunettes face dropped when he saw the time now at 8 minutes. He blew a kiss towards me and Ava before going and warming up.

*Post game* 

The Stars won the game. Ava was so happy and she was talking mine and the WAGs ears off as we walked to the locker rooms. She was giving us all a run down of the game we just watched. Smile and nod.

The doors opened to reveal an ecstatic Wyatt running towards me and Ava. He wrapped us in a hug and smushed Ava between us. 

"Daddy!" Ava practically yelled. Said person smiled and grabbed her in his arms, kissing all over her tiny face.

"And one for the lady." Wyatt said while walking towards me and pressing a kiss on my lips. Ava pushed me away which caused me to laugh. "Don't push mommy. Hm?" He said, questioning when she mumbled something. 

Wyatt and her playfully argued for a few minutes before we decided to head back to our apartment. When back, Wyatt put Ava to bed while I made us something for dinner. Ava had food at the game and wasn't hungry.

I heard Wyatt leave our daughters room before going into our room to change. I decided on pasta and his choice of side, so I left a few options on the counter that we had. 

"Hey babe." Wyatt said to me while walking into the kitchen. I pointed to the sides while I worked on the pasta. He grabbed a loaf of garlic bread and put it in the oven. He walked over to me and hugged me from behind.

"Tired love?" I asked Wyatt. 

"Oui oui." He said. I started laughing at the sudden French.

"Very Canadian of you." I said through laughs. 

"Oh shush." He laughed, poking my cheek.


WC: 663

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