Friends to Enemies to Lovers - Luke Hughes

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This is gonna be a really long one so buckle up. We're going for an emotional ride. 

Also can we acknowledge that Luke meme for a minute?

TW: a LOT of swearing, brief ED, and brief mention of SA (inappropriate touching without consent, not complete SA)

*May 23, 2004*

Third-Person POV bc idk how the hell I'd start this any other way

Lacey Thompson was born today. On May 23rd of 2004. When her parents brought her home, her brother, Jordan, was playing with the neighbours two elder sons, Jack and Quinn Hughes, while their mother, Ellen Hughes, sat there with a one year old Luke Hughes in her arms. Jordan sprinted over to his mother and new baby sister as soon as they walked in the door.

Jordan was born in 2001, just 4 days after Jack. I realized that was 5 days before Lacey's birthday but I'm to lazy to fix it. Saying that, he was 3 when Lacey was born. Luke also took immediate interest into the newborn standing at the door. He stood on Ellen's lap and looked over at the baby. He let out a little giggle upon seeing her. 

Seeing the way that Luke looked at Lacey, the two mothers both looked at each other with a knowing eye. They knew right away that their two kids were made for one another, threw everything.

Boy did they wait years for that one.

*January 4, 2008*

Lacey's father put her into hockey when she was two and she loves it. She plays on a U6 girls team and is one of the best on it. Luke also plays hockey and is also on a U6 team, but for boys. They practice together everyday in the Hughes's garage. 

Which is where they are right now. They both put on their rollerblades and were play a little 1 v 1 with each other. They aren't keeping score, though, as they'll get competitive. They were both laughing very loudly as Jim Hughes and Anthony Thompson are sat watching them.

"You know, I have a feeling they're meant to be." Jim said towards Anthony as they watched Lacey tackle Luke into the grass out front. 

Anthony turned his head to look at Jim. "You know, Nicky told me that same thing the other night." He mentioned before taking a sip from his beer bottle.

Jim also took a sip from the bottle in his hand and speaking again. "I just have this gut feeling may take a few years of ups and downs. Mostly downs." He shrugged. Anthony nodded and they went back to watching their kids.

Jack and Jordan went and joined the kids to play 2 v 2 with Quinn as the ref. It was Hughes vs Thompson, so Jordan and Lacey vs Jack and Luke. Lacey scored one right off the bat before Jack followed up with one.

This went on for an hour before Ellen and Nicky called them into their respected houses, the final score being 8-6 for the Thompson family. They shook hands and went into their houses for dinner. Everything between Lacey and Luke was going very well.

A bit too well..

*October 22, 2012*

Do my Swifties understand what's about to happen? 

Lacey's POV

Luke has been a lot more distant lately. I went over to his house last week and he talked to me for 30 seconds before saying he had to go and closed the door in my face. I put on my dog, Ashton's, leash so that I could take him for a walk.

As I walked out of the house I saw Luke putting his rollerblades on and grabbing his stick. I was about to say hi when I could see his friends skating up his driveway. Jack was sitting on the porch stairs and saw me standing there.

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