New Year In Sweden - Jacob Fowler

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"Jacob! Come on!" Noah grinned. Jacob laughed, following his girlfriend into the living room.

The World Juniors are being held in Sweden. Conveniently for Jacob, that's where Noah lives. They met online almost three years ago and went on multiple virtual dates like picnics in their local city parks. But when he found out that he was going to Sweden for the WJC and it was the same city that she lives in?

"I'm coming! Slow down!" He admired how excited she was for the new year.  

"While we're waiting, can you teach me more English?" While Jacob's been in Sweden, he's been teaching Noah more English than she knew. She knew the basics, like simple greetings and other conversation things/hockey, but he's teaching her more than what her family taught her.

"Of course I can." He said. They both sat down on the couch in her house, which was left empty since her parents had gone to a friend's house and her brother had gone ice skating.


"It's 2024!" Noah cheered. Jacob hugged her tight while she laughed loudly. "You're squeezing too tight, Älskling." She giggled.

"Sorry." He released his tight grip, but kept his arms wrapped around her. The girl leaned into his body and closed her eyes.

"How do you Americans stay up this late?" Noah asked her boyfriend. His body rumbled with laughter at his tired girlfriend.

"Lots of coffee." He grinned. She laughed and ultimately fell asleep.

Jacob picked her up and tucked her into her bed before going to leave the room. He changed into sweats and sat on his bed, texting his friends back home in America. The door to his room opening brought his head up to see a sleepy Noah walking in. 

"What's wrong, love?" He asked right away, placing his phone down and holding out his arms for her.

She walked over to him and cuddled into his body. "I don't want you to leave." She mumbled into his chest. "When will I ever get to see you again? You live in the USA while I live here." The boy sighed but held her closer.

"You'll see me soon." He told her. "Who knows? Maybe I'll even move here. New year new me." He shrugged. Her head immediately shot up and almost hit his chin.

"You can't leave behind your whole life to move here! If anything, I'd move to USA!" She exclaimed. 

The boy shook his head. "I have offers to play on hockey teams here in Sweden." Jacob explained. "I might take them up." 

Noah's eyes widened in excitement. "I love watching hockey, and I love watching you play hockey!" She squealed.

The two talked for a bit before Noah eventually fell asleep in Jacob's arms. He looked down at her and smiled at the girl. Just three years ago he had met the girl of his dreams, and he wasn't even sure he'd ever meet her. Now he's in Sweden, holding the girl. These are the days he's looking forward to for years to come. For every new year in Sweden, just like this one.



WC: 509

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