Chirping In A Birdcage - Brody Trew

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"Oi! Hilary!" Brody yelled out to his girlfriend, who plays on another team. Hilary rolled her eyes but ultimately skated up toward the center line.

"This better be good, birdcage. I gotta warmup." She joked with him.

"Just because I wear a cage-" He was cut off by her laughing. "Whatever. Just wanted to wish you good luck." He grinned. The girl laughed again.

"Like I need it." Her face held a cocky grin as she skated backwards to warm up. 

Brody smiled to himself but skated off. He went to the bench and grabbed a mic to mic himself up at the beginning of the first period. The boy went up to the faceoff circle with the other team. When the ref dropped the puck the game began.

"Holy fuck he's close." Brody spoke into the mic. Hilary laughed from the bench since he was right beside her.

"You're just tiny." She chirped him.

"Says the 5'3 one." With that, he skated back off to join the game.

Tonight he's playing the Long Beach Sharks. Hilary is the captain of the team and a center. Sure, she's below average height for a hockey player, but at least she ain't a 5'5 male who wears a cage and still chirps.

A player skated over and checked Trew into the boards. He just laughed and pushed the Shark off of him.

"Nice fucking hit pussy." He continued chirping, skating off.

When a line swap happened for the Sharks, Hilary jumped out onto the ice. Brody was praying for a line swap before she got to him but, unfortunately for him, they weren't answered.

"How's the weather down there, eh bud?" She chirped him as they both went in for the faceoff.

"Gonna get the puck over to your team this time?" He chirped back.

"Chirping in a birdcage. Fitting." The puck dropped at the end of her taunt and she successfully hit it to her team. She blew a raspberry at him and skated off with a laugh.

The boy just laughed and shook his head as he skated off after her. He loves the sport, but nothing beats playing the girl he loves in his favourite sport.


Brody Trew is actually so fucking funny though.

WC: 361

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