Son's First Cup - Nico Hischier

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Me and Nico had a son about, well, 24 years ago? We were both 18. So it was during his days with the Devils. He's obviously retired now, but our son, Cole Hischier, held his legacy by getting drafted to the Devils. Cole is the captain of the team.

Today is game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. The two teams are the New Jersey Devils and the Dallas Stars. Me and Nico were at the game since it's in New Jersey and we want to support our son.

The teams both skated out onto the ice. Me and Nico were shown on the jumbotron as the celebrity parents. Think of Ellen and Jim being shown at Luke's USA game. The singer came out and sang Star Spangled Banner and the game began.

"I'm nervous." Nico told me, his Swedish accent really showing. He won 3 Stanley Cups during his career and his dream is for his son to win one as well.

"Du behöver inte vara det." I said in his native language. He smiled at me and leaned his head on my shoulder. I put my head on his and the game started.

*Third period, last minute*

The score is 5-1 Devils with less than a minute left. Their fate is basically sealed, and it's looking pretty good. Nico was standing up and shouted out of happiness. I was laughing at his antics, but doing the same thing on the inside.

"Kom igen, kom igen.." Nico repeated. I gently grabbed his arm and pulled him down.

"Love calm down." As soon as I said that, the buzzer went and Nico was up and screaming. I won't lie, I was as well.

Soon after, the families of players were escorted down to the ice for the lifting of the cup. Me and Nico rushed on. Cole was up first since he was the captain. He skated around the ice a bit before handing it over to Jacob Spencers, the player who scored the first goal.

Cole skated over to us and I hugged him right away. I could feel him smiling which caused me to smile. I heard the admin take a few photos of us before moving onto Jacob and his family.

"You did so well today." I whispered in his ear.

"Thank you ma." He said back. Cole then moved onto his father. They hugged for a few seconds before pulling away and talking about the feeling of holding the cup. I laughed and shooed Cole off to sit with his team for a picture.

As Cole was skating over, Aidan Hughes, Quinn's eldest son, went over and tackled him onto the ice and they both slid into the picture and posed like idiots. Aidan was also drafted to the Devils in the same year Cole was and was named an alternate captain.

Jack came up to us and wrapped an arm around Nico's shoulder. They were both reminiscing their first Stanley Cup win. Jack was forced into an early retirement due to an injury. After a bit, Jack and his wife left.

"We did good, huh?" I asked Nico as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Hell yeah we did." He replied, causing laughter from the both of us.


WC: 529

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