I've Got A Secret - Cale Makar

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Right now I'm at my brother's, Nathan MacKinnon, game. I've been watching him play for years and I'm so proud of how far he's come. One thing? He said I can't date his teammates. Another? Well..

I've kind of been dating Cale Makar for a few months. Behind his back.

Today after the game, me and Cale decided to finally tell Nathan. How this will go? Only time will tell. I wore my 'Makar' jersey instead of my 'MacKinnon" jersey to the game to make sure we don't chicken out as we've been doing.

It's almost the end of the third and the Avs are up 5-1 against the Dallas Stars. Maybe Nathan being in a good mood will make this easier? He didn't notice the jersey when he skated passed me which is maybe making this easier?

"Olive!" Coach yelled at me. I didn't realize the game had ended, so I looked over at him. I had season tickets right beside the Avs bench. "Go on down. I believe you and Makar have something to tell other MacKinnon." He winked before walking back.

I sighed before grabbing my things and walking down to the locker room. I showed security my pass and they let me go down. Now I have to wait.

"Livvy!" I heard Nathan say. No going back now. Cale was walking beside him with a nervous look on his face. "How's my favourite sist-" He cut himself off upon seeing the jersey without his last name.

"Well.." Cale started when seeing the look on his teammates face. We both exchanged nervous looks while Nathan looked between us.

"Someone wanna tell me what's goin' on or what?" Nathan said with a confused yet kind of mad expression. Without saying anything, since neither me or Cale could find words, I walked up to Cale and kissed him.

"Wellllll..." I dragged out when Nathan didn't say anything. His expression changed into an amused and knowing smirk.

"I knew." Nathan said simply before walking away, leaving both me and Cale confused out of our minds.

"Wait wait wait." Cale yelled out after a moment. Nathan turned back around, still smirking. "What do you mean you knew?"

"Y'all ain't the best secret keepers out there. Always glancing at each other, whispering and giggling.." He trailed off while laughing and ran down the hall.

Me and Cale looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Now that we thought of it, we really did do a horrible job at hiding it. Coach walked out and smirked.

"Did you finally tell him?" He asked us. We both just nodded while still laughing. He shook his head in amusement before heading out.

"I lovee youuu." I told Cale like a child, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. He giggled when he pulled away and placed his head in the crook of my neck.

"I love you too, sweet girl." Cale said, kissing my neck. Now, we don't have a secret.


This is horrible lmao

Requested by idy1166

WC: 489

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