Soft - Jack Hughes

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Disclaimer: I wrote this on my phone so it may have some stupid auto corrects or something

Jack walked into the apartment after their game, groaning. Carla was sitting in her chair at the small desk when he walked in. She's the teams trainer and so she does a lot of getting the knots out of their muscles and a lot of checking roughly for injuries if their doctor isn't there to diagnose right away.

He walked into their room and changed into gym shorts and no shirt, flopping down on their bed still groaning. Carla laughed lightly at her dramatic boyfriend and walked over to him. His eyes were closed but he evidently wasn't trying to sleep.

"Where does it hurt?" Carla asked him. He made a motion towards his thighs and his calves.

She moved her thumbs with a light pressure over the knots in his muscles. As she went on, happy sighs escaped Jack's mouth and he let his eyes closed and his shoulders slump down. She continued going over the knots until they were all gone. He flipped onto his back and pulled her down with him, which she squealed to.

"Jack I'm working!" She scolded and slapped his arm. He pouted and held her tighter. She sent him a hard look and he cuddled closer into her, like a toddler.

She sighed and gave into the comfort. He smiled in success and squeezed her tight, but not so tight that she couldn't breathe. His head rested on her stomach as she laid her head on pillows propped up on the headboard. Carla's hand ran through Jack's shorter hair and more sighes of contentment left him.

She shivered a few times as the air from the cold outside came into the apartment. Her boyfriend grabbed his hoodie and threw it at her. She smacked his face lightly at the harsh movement but all in all put his hoodie on and was immediately engulfed in warmness. Jack slowly fell asleep to the soft beat of his girlfriend's heart.

Carla looked down and smiled at the sleeping hockey player. She remembers when she first met him. He was a popular jock, cocky and only cared about himself, hockey and his status. Now he cares about hockey still of course, but also his girlfriend and his son that will be there in 8 months.

Short but cute.


WC: 416

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