Love Ain't - Easton Cowan

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Easton's POV

Love ain't you calling me 'cause he ain't picking up his phone

The way you're talkin' sounds like he's somebody you should hate

I may not know what love is girl

But I know what Love Ain't 

"He won't fucking answer, E!" She yelled through the phone in tears. My heart broke.

This is the third time Alisson has called me this week to tell me about Jake, her boyfriend. He's a complete asshole but he's manipulating her.

"Allie, are you sure he's the one for you? I may not understand love or anything, but I know damn well that's not what love is." I told her. She sighed.

"He's probably just out with friends." She mumbled. I frowned. "I have to go to work. Talk to you later." And she hung up before I could say anything.

Sad movies are for cryin'

On the couch there in the dark

That sad song, it was written

Just to try and get your heart to break

I sighed as I sat on my couch, listening to the song Jake had just written and released. It was evidently about Allie, but she brushed off what I told her and once again recited the shit he told her. 

She was watching Bambi, but it's only 2 pm. It's not time for those kind of movies yet? Something was wrong but I just couldn't get my finger on it.

My alarm went off, signaling I had to leave for practice. I grabbed my things and left to drive to the arena.

Love ain't

Wonder what he's doin'

Love ain't

Feelin' like a fool and

You can't

Keep lettin' him do it to you

As I was driving to the arena, Allie called me. I wasted no time answering.

"Hey!" I said as cheerfully as I could.

"I can't anymore." She stated. My heart dropped. What is she talking about? "I can't keep wondering what he's doing every night he says he's with his friends. I can't keep feeling like a fool, like a dog following it's owner. I just can't anymore! My heart isn't his." She paused. "It's yours."

I felt a smile come across my face. 

"Really?" I whispered. She mumbled a yeah. "Well it's a good thing. Because my heart is yours." I could practically hear her smile

Come over, let me show you what he can't

'Cause he can only show you what love ain't


I LOVE THIS SONG. I also love him.. 

WC: 391

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