Lies And Confessions - Connor Bedard

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TW: mentions of cheating

Mia went over to Connor's house because he called her and said they have some important things to talk about. She was naturally confused. Why would Connor need to talk about something important?

Currently, they're sitting in Connor's bedroom. He's trying to find the words to begin the conversation while Mia stays confused on what's going on.

"So..." Connor began. "I found a picture in social media that really, just, caught my attention." He told her in a hinting tone.

Her face dropped. "Uh..whatever could you mean?" She asked with a nervous laugh.

"Oh drop the crap!" He almost yelled out. "I know you've been cheating on me, Mia." He called her out. "I know it's with Taylor to." He added.

"So you do know what you're talking about then.." She trailed off. He scoffed.

"This is so pathetic! Can't even admit it!" He said with frustration radiating off of him.

"You want me to admit it? Fine!" She spoke up. "I met him at your game. He's perfect. He's kind, he's tough, and he's a better fuck than you ever were. We have wayy more in common. Next to him, you're basically just some pathetic looking bitch that is horrible at everything but hockey!" She confessed loudly. He scoffed in disbelief.

"Get out of my house." He growled lowly. "And never come back." Mia strutted out, leaving a hurt Connor Bedard behind.

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. Deciding to go for a walk, he went through a pretty little forest and found a cliff. He sat down at the edge and sighed. After taking a few pictures, he left.

Throwing in a guilty pleasure show, he wrapped a blanket around his figure and sank deep into the couch behind him. He couldn't believe everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. But he's done with her how, and that's all that matters.


People hate Mia already so decided to use her for this lol

I should go to bed (it's almost 2 am) but whatever

WC: 347

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