Rumours - Connor Bedard

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This takes place if the rumour WAS true (which it probably isn't) FOR THE PLOT.

"Con?" Mia asked softly when she saw Connor with his head in his hands. "What's wrong?" She asked once again, placing a hand on his back.

"Rumours." He muttered so softly she almost couldn't hear him. "They're everywhere! Corey didn't bang my mom. Or at least I don't think he did. I just- I don't even feel like I know either of them anymore and I don't even know if it's true!" He started getting louder out of frustration.

"Hey..I know it's tough, ok?" It's true. Her mom cheated on her dad and that's when they got a divorce. Now she doesn't talk to either of them anymore. "But I bet both of them would have the decency to not, right?" He sighed and nodded.

Over the last couple of minutes his head found her lap and he was laying across the couch. Her hand found his hair and began to play with it. A smile spread across his face for the first time in a while.

When Connor thought Mia wasn't looking, he went to reach for his phone but it was snatched away. He looked up with a sheepish look and saw Mia glaring down at him.

"Pleaseee!" He tried begging her but came out unsuccessful as she tucked his phone into her pocket. Knowing better than to argue, he laid back down in defeat.

Two days later..

Mia walked into the apartment after a long day of work and saw a shocked and distraught Connor. She rushed over and glanced at his phone, which he was staring down at. A text from his mom read that the rumour was true.

"Oh my God.." She mumbled with her hand over her mouth. Connor stood up and wrapped his arms around her tightly, sobbing.

She comforted him as best she could. This information was shocking. Why would they even think about doing this?

"Why?" Connor asked no one in particular.

Mia just sighed, not knowing how to answer. His arms wrapped around her tighter but she didn't say anything. She knew what he was thinking, that this would tear his family apart, but she decided against saying anything.

A week later

Corey Perry has been put on waivers.

The Blackhawks decided what he did was extremely inappropriate, as he had said some things and had alcohol involved. Connor has been home more rather than going out unless he was going to do community things with the team.

Mia did everything she could do to keep him at peace with what happened. They started watching a new show called 007: Road to a Million. After he gets back from practice and her from work they cuddle up and just relax.

She can see him slowly coming back to his old self, joking around and laughing more with the team. With Perry gone he can feel more calm and less tense in the room and the entire team noticed. They're happy for him finally breaking out of his protective shell again and involving himself with them again.

His girlfriend is happy to see him happy and he notices that. He always notices the small things. He knows just how lucky he is to have had her through the last week of his life. Though the rumours and the truth revealing itself she never left once. For that, he's forever grateful.


For the record, so no one gets mad at me, I don't support the rumours. I just involve myself because they're funny.

He got put on waivers for alcohol issues and saying bad stuff but I'll never stop laughing at the comments I'm sorry. I'm guilty of laughing at them lol

Okay I thought I posted this two hours ago but apparently I didn't-

WC: 647

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