Opposites Attract - Eduard Šalé

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For the sake of this imagine, lets pretend that Russia wasn't banned from hockey tourneys this year

Enemy. A person you can't stand. A person who bothers you. All that enemies to lovers stuff is such bullshit.

I'm originally from Russia but decided to fly down from Moscow to Halifax to watch the World Juniors Russia vs Czechia since we're big rivals. Why? I don't know. All I know is that Czechia can NOT beat Russia.

My older brother is playing for team Russia this year which is why I actually flew out. Our parents have always been to busy for our activities so we tend to support one another.

I was so in my head that I didn't realize that a person was right in front of me. I bumped into them and almost fell.

"Shit, I'm sorry." The boy said. I looked up and instantly recognized him. Fucking Czechia player.

"You play for Czechia, huh?" I asked with a harsh tone. I could tell he noticed the accent.

"Russian, huh?" He bit back. I shook my head with a scoff.

"Гребаная сучка" I muttered.

"English? Or Czech?" Eduard asked. I shook my head and walked off.

I can't stand him already. He's so annoying and I just can't seem to think of a nice thing about him. I sauntered off to the Russian lockers and walked in to find my brother. The boys are used to me barging into lockers and stuff so they aren't phased. Once I spotted my brother I walked over to him and sat beside him with a huff.

"Что?" He questioned as he noticed how annoyed I was.

"Эдуард Сейл случился." I replied. He tensed at the name as he remembered it from the Czech roster.

"That bitch." He mumbled in English to which I laughed. I eventually had to leave so the boys could go on the ice.

*Post game*

Russia won 4-3 in OT. I was happy as I walked out of the arena with my brother. I think I was happier than he was. He had 3 goals including the OT winner, so he got a hat trick but as expected not many hats. 

Russia is playing Canada and I'm quite excited. I've been talking to the Canadian goalie as friends and he doesn't care that I'm Russian or that he's playing against my brother. We only see each other as friends, maybe as platonic siblings.

"Ta mrcha!" A voice in Czech spoke from behind us. I turned around and saw Eduard walking out. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

*4 days later*

Me and my brother just got in a huge fight. I don't even know how it happened, but here I am. Outside the arena and crying. I can't go see Milic because he's getting ready for his game tomorrow against Russia. 

"Hey." A soothing voice spoke from above me. I didn't bother to look at the person. "It's okay. You're okay." They spoke once again. I looked up and was shocked to see who was there.

"Why are- why are you here?" I asked Eduard through breaths. He shushed me and helped me get my breathing back to normal. I ended up telling him why I was there.

He pulled me into a hug and we just sat there against the wall. I was curled up into a ball with my head on his chest.

"Can we be friends?" I asked out of the blue. He gave me a confused look. "Well, you've seen me at my worst.." I trailed off.

"Sure. We can be friends." He replied. I smiled and relaxed more into him.

*After gold game, Canada beats Czechia 3-2 in OT*

I hugged Eduard as soon as I saw him. I could tell he was trying not to break down in front of everyone, especially since the press was there and he didn't need the whole world knowing.

"You played your best." I said to him. He shook his head in disagreement. "Yes you did and don't try to argue it." I spoke sternly.

"Fine." He huffed. I laughed lightly at that and I felt him smile against the top of my hand. 

He pulled away and I looked him in the eyes. I felt lost but at peace. I felt comfort. He slowly leaned in as I did the same and our lips landed on one another's. Ew..why'd I say it like that?

When we pulled away I smiled. He did too. I looked up at him. Sometimes all you need is a bit of time. I can tell you one thing. I love Eduard Šalé.

That's how books always begin. The reality is that sometimes, the person you hate most, is the person you'll love the longest.


Bye I'm off to find myself an enemy.

Requested by anne_pavlisova28

WC: 778

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