Languages - Alexander Suzdalev

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Me and Alex met in Regina on Tinder. Yes, Tinder. Him and a couple of teammates were on Tinder and we actually matched. Inspiration from how my brother met his girlfriend. I ain't kidding.

I'm originally from Ukraine but me and my family had to leave because of the war. Sadly, my father was held back and forced to fight. Anyways, we started dating and teaching each other our languages. Ironic since he's Russian and I'm Ukrainian, huh?

Anyways, Alexander decided to stay in Regina for off season so he wouldn't be stuck in Russia and unable to get out. So we decided to teach each other or languages.

"Как у тебя сегодня дела is how are you doing today." Alex said. I nodded before repeating, which he nodded as well with a smile.

"Як твої справи сьогодні is the same, how are you doing today." I explained. He spoke the phrase slowly, and I helped him with one word and then he was good.

"How ironic is it that I'm Russian and you're Ukrainian?" Alex questioned with a light laugh. I also started laughing. "Okay. я вас очень люблю is I love you very much." He said smugly with a smirk. I chuckled while blushing.

"Я люблю тебе набагато більше is I love you wayyy more." I smiled. He shook his head. 

"That's a false statement. I love you more." I shook my head.

"Маячливий хлопчик." I muttered. I said it so much that Alex understood at this point.

"I'm not delusional!" He weakly defended. I chuckled and patted his head. "Я ненавижу тебя, сумасшедшая женщина."

"English?" I questioned. He just smiled innocently and I shook my head. "Okay. Накорми эту женщину едой, прежде чем она убьет человека is-"

"Lets go get food!" Alex squeaked before getting up and running out of fear. I laughed out loud and ran after him.


Please correct anything. I don't take offense to criticism or corrections.

Requested by slut4jxdn

WC: 315

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