I Am A Hockey Player - Rob McClanahan

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Rob had just been checked very hard and was taken back. Doc told Herb that he could play without injuring himself anymore than he already had been, but it would be quite painful. Herb shrugged and walked back, ignoring doc's advice.

Dawn was sat next to Rob in her gear, him out of his, and she was helping ice his knee while speaking to take his mind away from his throbbing knee. The door slamming open cause both of their attention to the older man.

"This is unbelievable." Herb began. The team's attention all turned to him. "You guys are playing like this is some throwaway game up in Rochester!" He scolded the team. "Who we playing, Rammer?" He asked the defenseless player.

"Sweden." Rammer replied sheepishly.

"Yeah, you're damn right!" Coach Brooks yelled, tossing a table. Dawn flinched and Robbie's hand found hers. "Sweden. In the Olympics." He continued on. Walking around for not even a second, his attention turned to Rob. "What the hell's wrong with you? Put your gear on." He told Rob in a less than pleased tone. The player looked at his coach like he was insane. "I said put your gear on!" Herb urged.

"Doc told me I can't play?" Robbie questioned.

"I know. You got a bad bruise." Herb said with fake sympathy. "You know what?" The man started up again. "Put your street clothes on. I got no time for quitters." Dawn recognized his plan, he was trying to rial up Robbie and Herb knew damn well he wouldn't take this disrespect.

"Come on, Herb!" Rizzo exclaimed. "Nobody's quitting here!"

"You worry about your own game. Plenty there to keep you busy." Rizzo shrunk back into his stall slightly. Herb's attention then turned back to Rob. "A bruise on the leg is a hell of a long way from the heart, you candy-ass." He spoke in distaste.

Robbie's head shot up. "What did you call me?" He called. Herb looked back for a brief second.

"You heard me." He said, continuing his journey out.

Rob stood up, slamming his towel down. Dawn's eyes widened. "You want me to play, huh? That what you want?" He shouted, chasing after his coach.

"I want you to be a hockey player!" Herb shouted, turning around and pointing directly into Rob's face.

"I AM A HOCKEY PLAYER!" Rob yelled loudly, his team now pulling him back. "YOU WANT ME TO PLAY ON ONE LEG, HUH? I'LL PLAY ON ONE LEG!" Dawn walked in front of Robbie and pushed him back and into his stall.

"That'll get him going." Herb mumbled to Craig as he walked by.

Dawn looked at her boyfriend with a stern look. In return he gave her one filled with courage as he began throwing his gear on at record speed. She just sighed and sat down in her stall beside him.

Third period

"McClanahan after the loose puck. He's hit hard but Söderström."

Dawn winced from the bench as she saw her boyfriend get hit on the boards hard.

"Go, go, go Mac!"
"Come on, Mac."

Everyone on the bench was cheering him on to get back up and chase after that damn puck. Everyone except Dawn, who was just hoping he wasn't injured seriously that time.

"McClanahan gutting it out despite being injured in the first period."

Once he got back up, everyone was yelling and cheering for him to sprint to the other end where the puck was. Once he got there the puck was retrieved by the Americans after Mac checked Waltin into the boards.

Game Ending

The USA scored with less than a minute left on the clock and the game ended in a tie, which they were thrilled about. The whole team skated out to celebrate, nearly knocking each other down.


Mac had to basically drag a half asleep Dawn up to their room. Once they got there, he put her down and tossed some sweats to her before going into the bathroom to change himself.

When he came back in, he saw her changed and cuddled into the blankets. He laughed but climbed in beside her, laying on his left side because of his injured right knee.

"We all know you're a hockey player now." Dawn giggled at her own joke regarding her boyfriend yelling at the coach earlier that evening.

Mac laughed and held her even closer to him, closing his eyes to hopefully get a good night sleep to shake away the pain of his knee. He placed a kiss on his girlfriend's cheek, a light blush spreading across her cheeks that she tried to hide but failed ultimately.

"Good night, Robbie." Dawn whispered in the darkness of their bedroom.

"Good night, Dawney." Rob whispered back to her, before the two of them fell into dreamless rests.


He's so hot in this scene bro

WC: 814

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