Hockey Dad - Jack Hughes

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Edited 02/03/2024

Recently, Carla and Jack's son was born. By recently, I mean about a year and a half ago. They decided to name him Nolan after Carla's brother who unfortunately died in a car crash a few years back. Since then, Jack had to get back to hockey and she went back to her job as a hair dresser. Doesn't make an insane amount of money, but she likes it. Plus, Jack makes enough money to pay for he, his brother and his parents all at once.

Tonight the Devils play the Anaheim Ducks which meant Uncle Trevor would be in town. Trevor hasn't met Nolan yet, he's only seen pictures. Tonight would be the night that he meets his non biological nephew.

Trevor and Jack just don't know it yet.

Carla asked Nico to help her with this very exciting surprise since he was the one she trusted most on the team, other than Jack of course, to keep a secret. So, he helped her get a WAG pass for down by the locker rooms since hers expired.

Next, they had to get Trevor down to the locker rooms. So the two of them both had to beg Tom Fitzgerald to let them bring Trevor down. After that, the two informed Bob Murray to get Trevor down there after the game and any interviews.

Currently, Carla was getting Nolan dressed in his custom "Baby Hughes" jersey and whatever else he needs. She packed a bag with anything they'd normally bring out with them + noise cancelling headphones. No need for a fussy baby. Then, she threw on her OG "Hughes" jersey and left to Prudential Center.

Time Skip

Once they arrived, Carla and Nolan found their seats by the glass, in between the Devils and Ducks sides of the ice. The woman purposely did that so that not only Jack would see them, but Trevor would notice as well.

The buzzer went, indicating the beginning of warm ups. Carla quickly put on Nolan's headphones so he wouldn't get fussy with the noise. The teams skated out onto the ice and started warm ups. Jack was the first to as he skated passed and skated up to them.

"What the hell are y'all doing here?" He questioned through the glass. It was barely audible, but still there.

"We decided to surprise daddy and uncle Trevor." She answered. The two saw a figure skate up to them and practically jump onto Jack's back. The figure revealed themself to be none other than Trevor Zegras. Of course.

"Is that my nephew?" Trevor asked, pointing towards the smiling baby. Carla nodded with a grin. "He's adorable. But I have a question that may break my relationship with him."

"Oh good Lord. What is it?" She questioned, knowing that whatever came out of this man's mouth would more than likely be something incredibly stupid.

"Does he like Taylor Swift?"

"He hasn't heard her music."

"I- I can't" He said, laughing slightly while shaking his head, before skating off for warmups.

Carla put Nolan up to the glass so he could see his father better. He started laughing his little baby laugh and clapped. Carla and Jack both smiled at that.

"How did you do this without me finding out? Surely I would've noticed?" He asked her. A small smirk grew on her face.

"Ask your captain." She simply replied. 

"Nico!" He yelled out. Nico turned around and skated towards them.

"What's up?" Nico asked.

"Did you know about this?" Jack questioned the captain, gesturing towards us.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He replied, smirking and skating off.

"Go warm up." Carla told Jack. He smiled and shook his head slightly and skated off.

After the game, final was 4-3 Devils with a SO win, game winner scored by Jack

Carla and Nolan went down to the Devils locker room after the game was over. Jack got two goals and an assist, while Trevor got one goal and an assist. After about 20 minutes, players started coming out of the room.

When Jack came out, he spotted Carla and Nolan and ran over. He gave his son a kiss on the head and hugged his girlfriend, kissing her forehead. 

"You did so well!" She complimented as he leaned his shoulder against the wall.

"I know. I'm pretty amazing." He joked, sarcastically throwing his hair off his shoulder. She giggled before she saw someone actually jump on Jack's back this time. The two men fell onto the floor, laughing their asses off.

"You two are absolute children." Carla said as Jack and Trevor got off the floor while still laughing softly.

"Can I hold him?" Trevor asked, making grabby hands towards Nolan.

"You aren't responsible enough." Jack stated in a "duh" tone.

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."





"Ye-" Carla cut Jack off by slapping him on the arm. "Ow! He started it!"

"Did not." Trevor denied.

"Did to."

"Did n-" This time, she slapped Trevor on the back of his head. She handed him Nolan to shut him up and his eyes immediately lit up. "He's adorable." 

Jack and Carla smiled towards each other, knowing that he would be an amazing uncle. 

Time Skip

Jack insisted on putting Nolan to bed, so Carla was in the living room watching FRIENDS while waiting. She heard footsteps coming down the hallway of their apartment and turned to see Jack. He quietly ran and flopped onto the couch, digging his head into her neck.

"Thank you for coming to my game. My two good luck charms." Jack mumbled. She put her hand into his hair, kissing the back of his head lightly.

"You're very welcome." She whispered back. He brought his head up and kissed his girlfriend on her lips, smiling, before laying down and bringing her head to his chest.

Carla's eyes felt droopy, so she closed them and let sleep overcome her.

Jack turned his head to see Carla asleep. He smiled slightly upon seeing her so calm and peaceful. The hockey player picked her up bridle style and carried her to their bedroom. When he got there, he gently placed her down and tucked her in, kissing her forehead before checking on Nolan.

He quietly walked into Nolan's room so he didn't wake him up. After he kissed his forehead, he left the room and closed the door. He walked into his and Carla's room and got into bed, turning of the light.

Jack closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile, thinking about how lucky he is to have Carla and Nolan in his life.


I love this so much. I felt a need to make a Jack imagine since I've done Quinn and Luke, so I decided to add uncle Trevor into the mix as well as father Jack.

WC: 1098

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