Last Hoorah - Jamie Drysdale

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Madison sighed as she placed the last box of she and Jamie's stuff into the moving van to go to Philly. Arms wrapped tightly around her waist from behind as she watched the moving van drive off carrying their things. Turning her head, she recognized Jamie's hair as he laid his head in her neck. Reaching her hand around her, she played with the light wings he has in his hair.

"That's all that we had left to do." Jamie mumbled into her neck. "Trevor is coming over with Jack. He flew out since he's injured and can't do anything in New Jersey right now." Maddie smiled and took her fiancée's hand.

"Lets go inside? It's cold." Her fiancée laughed and nodded, following her into their apartment. 

They both stood in the middle of the living room. Everything was gone from their small plants to the TV. All that's left is their carry on luggage and whatever little food they have left, as well as their couch as they're getting a new one to fit the space in their new apartment. They both sat down on the single piece of furniture left in the living room.

Jamie wrapped his arms around Madison as she looked around their small apartment. It was so..nostalgic. This was their first apartment together. They had their first..time..together here, they cooked together for the first time, hell Jamie proposed in their kitchen! To not only Madison, but to Jamie, this was the most difficult part about leaving Anaheim. 

"I'm gonna miss this place." Madison whispered.

"Me too." Jamie sighed. "But, we're gonna make new memories in our new apartment. We'll have kids, we'll host friends, we can fly out family to visit us once we're it'll be our first place together after we get married this summer." She leaned further into him with a smile as he explained their future.

"I guess that it's good." She said after a moment. "New beginnings. You'll have new teammates, and I actually have a surprise for you." He gave her a confused look. "Well, two."

"What?" Jamie questioned her. 

"Well, I'll give you the easy one first." Madison smiled. "I got a job offer as an admin for the Flyers." 

His eyes lit up. "Really? You're not shitting me?" She shook her head.

"But I have one other thing. If you're upset, I get it." A sigh escaped her lips as she prepared herself for anything that could go wrong. "I'm pregnant."

"Really?" Jamie was shocked. Madison hid her face. "No, that's amazing!" This time it was her turn to be confused.

"You sure?" She asked him warily.

"Yeah! I've always wanted kids. Now, we get to start our new beginning in Philadelphia, getting married soon, and now we get to be parents!" He stated in excitement. "God, we're gonna be so cool in Philly." They both laughed until they heard a knock on the door.

Jamie stood up and opened the door. Behind the piece of wood revealed Jack Hughes and Trevor Zegras. Trevor was holding a couple pizzas while Jack held drinks, non alcoholic considering Trevor has to play the next day and Jamie and Madison are getting on a plane in the morning.

"Sissy!" Trevor cheered, earning an annoyed groan from his sister.

"Trevor, shut the fuck up." He rolled his eyes and hugged her anyway.

The two gripped onto one another tightly while Jamie and Jack were in the kitchen, laughing at something. As much as the siblings wouldn't admit it, they're gonna miss one another. Everyone knew it. 

"Trev, I gotta tell you something. But you need to promise me you won't be mad." Madison's voice cracked slightly. Trevor looked at her confused.

"What's going on, Mads?" He asked, slightly worried but also confused.

"Promise. Me." She begged him, tears threatening to fall.

"I promise. Kid, what's happening?" He promised her, backing up and gripping her arms gently.

"I-" She sighed. "I'm pregnant." Her voice came out muttered. 

"Really?" Of course, he was surprised, but suddenly came a smile. "I'm gonna be an uncle." He whispered, smiling.

Madison laughed lightly and smiled. "You're not mad?" She asked.

"Why the hell would I be mad?" Trevor made it sound like she was crazy.

The two men in the kitchen walked out and saw the two Zegras siblings with big smiles. Jamie immediately looked over to Madison and silently asked her if she told him the news. A smile even bigger than the one she had before grew and she nodded.

"What am I missing?" Jack asked, looking between the three and finalizing on staring at the one he thought of as a sister until he got an answer.

"I'm pregnant." Madison shrugged with a smile, tears sitting in her eyes. Jack widened his eyes and smiled, crushing her in a hug.

The night went smoothly. Everyone talked and ate food, sharing stories and memories that took place in the apartment where they were sat right then. The group of four all sat closely together. They all knew what they were thinking, all of the thoughts being identical, but decided against saying anything. Just letting the moment breathe through.

Eventually, however, it was two in the morning. Trevor needed to get some sort of sleep before his game and the young couple had their flight at five in the morning, needing to be there by three. All of them knew it was time to bring up the dreaded topic on the back of their minds.

"So.." Trevor dragged out. Everyone sighed.

"This was our last hoorah, huh?" The Zegras twin finished her brother's thought.

"I guess so." Jack said with a sad tone.

Jamie hugged everyone in a big group hug. "I'm gonna miss you two dumbasses." He cried.

After a few more minutes, Jack and Trevor left after a few emotional goodbyes. Once again, it was just the two that owned the apartment. The silence was deafening as the couple wrapped each other in their arms.

"This. Was our last hoorah of Anaheim." Madison stated in a shaky voice. "It's almost time to leave for Philadelphia." 

The two looked around the apartment, grabbing their bags and standing in the door frame of the front door. Jamie guided Madison out of the room. But before he left, he turned his head once more, looking over the old apartment once more, before flicking the light switch and allowing the lights to burn out one last time.


This. My friends, was..

NOT our last hoorah. Ha you thought.

But, this was our last hoorah with this book..

More info in the final A/N!

WC: 1072

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